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[Suggestion] new ways to fix broken legs

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so today i was in a fight with a angry zed, he met my colt but i recived a broken leg. I had no morthphine (cant be arsed to spell check) and i was inland (as im one of those lone wolf survivors) i spent 1-1.5 hours crawling to try to get to the nearest big town with a hospital (berez) from 1km E of big N airfield until i got shot by a douch in a gillie suit.

My suggestion is cant we get some sort of use for wood we get from trees. all devs would have to do is a new item on toolbar like old cloth rages and/or do as another use for bandages. You right click the wood and as long as you got rags or bandage spare you put a splint on ur leg fixing it. Then maybe do some sort of penelty for using a splint, like you cant sprint or running speed is reduced for like 1 hour ingame/realworld time. to simulate healing.

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I prefer the rarity of the morphine. Bandages and wood are everywhere.

Also, for next patch...

* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)

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I'm a new player and had finally gotten some good equipment including all that is needed to hunt and cook meat. I was inland rebuilding my strength from a low of 3000 blood and I got attacked and broke my leg. There was a village about a kilometer away but it would take forever to get there and there was no guarantee that there would be morphine there.

I had to respawn. The first thing I thought was, "Why can't I make a splint out of wood and bandages to get me where I need to go? Even if I had to run back to Cherno or continue heading north to see what was there I'd still be viable.

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As much as I like the idea, I'd suggest that creating a splint be something that has to be done by another player, similar to a blood transfusion. While its possible to do it yourself IRL, I think it would help by adding yet another reason to need to work together.

Perhaps there could be 2 types of splints:

1) self made requires Wood Pile and limits the player to slow walk and slow crawl. (No crouching or running)

2) administered by another player, requires wood pile and painkillers and bandage, and allows all movement but running/crouch run.

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