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Looking for a friend to be dayz badasses

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Looking for a mature English speaker or two to form a DayZ group with. I currently have a repaired tractor hidden on a server and am looking to use that vehicle to repair a few other vehicles I know of that you wont find on vehicle spawn maps. Namely a truck and two atvs. Set up a base camp.

Also, I'd like to farm dat equipment out of some of the more dangerous places on the map, bring it back to our camp.

From there we become da DayZ badasses.

If anyone is interested leave me your skype or steam name and i'll add you. i am not looking for anyone to even be good at the game, more important is that you are trustworthy and not a douche. also not looking to be your leader, just wanna stock pile some shit then have some fun with it :)

must have mic.

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You have private messages disabled on these forums. The type of badassery you described is exactly what I've been looking for. Add me on skype ~ Dakidmi1

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YO I'm looking for badassery as well. I think most people have private messaging turned off by default so.. we should do this the steam way as Dakidmi1 proposed.

I'm not really interested in joining a big clan either. I consider myself quite good at this game so you might wanna add me as well. Oh and by the way are you european? Cause of the timezone stuff

Steam name is findecan.

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Hey if u still have room for one more im looking for players to play with 2 only 8 or blow not a big group so this seems perfect

Steam: Iths

Skype: Amund_94

i have a good mic and im 18 years old


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so guys you seem to be what i m looking for. after 3 weeks of intense solosurviving i want more. I consider myself pretty good at this game, and i know the gamemechanics in and out since i started it with operation flashpoint. got already some good gear: m4a3 ccq 5 mags ak74 5 mags coyoute packpack glock 17 5 mags and so on.but i would like to finally move to the airfield of doom to get the real good stuff. never made it there alove. killed by stupid serverhoppers.

to my person

Im 26 an from germany.

mic is there and my name is Stylles and i got no steam, so just pn.

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Id love to join.

Steam: vinchenzo004

Skype: anthony_Rayd

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hi there, looking for mates too play too :)

i m french, 31 years old and speak a quite descent english / spanish :p

ive skype / TS if needed, and a mic.

my steam nickname is : - AssasshIIn - my picture is a ufo head... hope you ll reply and see you soon IG

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