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How does a script spawned weapon looks like?

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I was about to file a bug report cause i found a DMR at the airfield baracks and was quite happy of course. Logged outin forest. didnt play for a few hours and logged back in to see too much fog ( still had DMR ) so the second server was fine weather wise with DMR gone but everything else including ammo still there.

Now i know there is a system in place to remove script spawned weapons, did i pick one up? or is this unheard of and should i file a bug report? I know what weapons are available ingame so i wouldnt pick up anything not on the official list, but if i am gonna lose DMR rifles and maybe a ban i am worried and would like to know if i can prevent this from happening.

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Bug, happened to me once.. I lost a .50 cal... Well its alpha, what are you gonna do ;)

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Hacked weapons, or scripted ones do not have a picture associated with them. IE... when you pick it up, and click on it, if there is no picture in the description it is hacked. There is a thread on this somewhere I will look for it and post it for you.

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There's so many possible scripted weapons that could be added from Arma 2, so it's probably easier to memorize which ones are legitimate:

DayZ Weapon List

Note: The only two legitimate weapons that are NOT on that list are the M67 frag grenade and the RGO frag grenade.

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just found a FN FAL in a barracks , looked at it and as far as i can see no icons missing ( if one if you could upload a picture and mark the exact spot we need to look at that would be nice ).

The lootlist (though outdated since 1.7.1 ) only has FN FAL to be found at helicrashes.

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just found a FN FAL in a barracks ' date=' looked at it and as far as i can see no icons missing ( if one if you could upload a picture and mark the exact spot we need to look at that would be nice ).

The lootlist (though outdated since 1.7.1 ) only has FN FAL to be found at helicrashes.


It's safe to say it was dropped at the barracks. I once found an AKM in a barn, but that doesn't necessarily mean it spawns there.

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