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Epoch + Overwatch = Overpoch

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Hey guys

My names George, I am the lead coder for Evolved Gaming.
Evolved Gaming was founded in 2013 and currently supports dayz epoch servers.
As a small comunity we are trying to think of new ideas and support a multi game comunity.
Currently we run 3 Dayz Epoch servers. Namalsk, Panthera and Napf.
All of which have a large variety of mods that we all love.
Recently we released of new server, Napf.


We named this Overpoch, It is an amalgamation of epoch and overwatch.
It's base is still epoch but with a addon pack merges Overwatch and roughly 20 mods that include new vehicles clothing and wepaons.
The following is a list of all the mods the server currently supports.

  • Indestrucitble cinder and metal.
  • 35 dayz base maintenance.
  • JEAM/ evac chopper mod.
  • DZMS eddited to support the servers mods.
  • Custom Higher curreny.
  • Trader God mode.
  • Extra trader security.
  • Elevators.
  • Custom loot tables.
  • Self blood.
  • Consume blood.
  • Service point fuel stations.
  • Take clothing.
  • Advanced Snap building.
  • Anit-Kamikaze Bases.
  • Deploy bicyle.
  • Advanced Heli and Vehicle towing.

This mod list is prone to change, as we listen to our community and make small changes to make you guys happy.

The Mod Pack requried to join the server contains aproximately 200+ custom Weapons and 50+ vehicles.
We plan to release content to the traders and loot tables periodicly to keep you all busy :)

We pride ourself at not being the biggest community but making the biggest group of friends.

If you have any questions or would like to join the action please visit our website for more info.


It has recently came to our attention that OverPoch has become quie a popular mod. Unfortunately neither me or our comunity has taken any credit for the name or concept of OverPoch.

Just remember, we did it first !! :P


EvOG LordGeorge


Edited by lordgeorgemaster
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