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Tents, and how long they last!?

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I was just wondering about how long does tents stay in a server after you set them!? i heard that as long as you live they will stay forever... but not sure what happens if you die, is it true that it last for 2 days more after you die so you can recover your important stuff? and what about the amount of space it have? an answer would be appreciated! and if you wanna add more info about it, its always welcome! thanks in advance!

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I heard somewhere that any tent you placed will disappear 10-15 minutes after you die; not 100% certain though.

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no thats BS. we have like 20 tents at our base and the guy who put them up died and they didnt go away... remember to save your tents though otherwise when the server restarts they will go away or lose all the stuff you have in them.

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