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The Fist Bandit - Having Fun With Dem Thangs

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So, lets see the original video's you've made so far then...


Your comment was uncalled for, really! At least some people are doing something for others to enjoy, and then there's people like you.. just go away, and come back when you have the decency to say something nice, or nothing at all


@ Jigga: Thanks for the video m8, I enjoy watching DayZ videos, and don't have the video editing skills to do them myself ( or the time )

that was a bit harsh of you no?  He didnt say anything untrue did he? the intro/outro and title are all unoriginal and have been used a thousand times over. Sounds like constructive criticism to me, but some people cant take it and get there panties in a wad. ( im refering to you here, not the OP) 



To OP: Im not into griefing so this wasnt my cup of tea, but low brows might enjoy this. I would rename your series and maybe change your intro/outro when you have time. I think it would help separate your videos from the thousand other "chreno diaries"  videos out there. As it stands now, i couldn't separate yours from all the others out there, this isnt a good thing for you.

Edited by Chucknorris405

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I was so mad at you Street for knocking out that guy who was trying to help the newspawns (and the kid) but couldn't help myself but to laugh hard!! :lol:


Thank you much for the support Odin. I appreciate it. Much more to come.

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