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Graphics and FPS

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Hello there

So i have been playing dayz for 2 days now, and i completely love the fact that "the real deal zombie SURVIVAL game" is here :heart:

now to my question:

i have tried tangeling around with the graphics setting... it is just awful. i get 6 FPS up to 12 if im lucky. i have watched some movies on youtube and the graphics are MUCH better and smother and it made me wonder. before i just thought it was because of its an ALPHA.

i cant move my mouse more than a couple of inches before the whole things shaking (not injured, sick or anything)

i know theres problems with the fps but is there some way to improve it to "youtube standards" ?

I run a I7 clocked with dual GTx590TI and 16MB ram so that should not be the problem...

thank for the help and sry if i missed an already posted thread

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Have you tried these...although you have a very good set up, I honestly do not see what the problem is...


I have an AMD 6 core (2.5 ghz) , 8 G of ram, and Radeon HD (on board) graphics...and run this game smoothly on High. I really do not see why you would have any FPS issues other than maybe the servers you play on.

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Hello there

So i have been playing dayz for 2 days now' date=' and i completely love the fact that "the real deal zombie SURVIVAL game" is here :heart:

now to my question:

i have tried tangeling around with the graphics setting... it is just awful. i get 6 FPS up to 12 if im lucky. i have watched some movies on youtube and the graphics are MUCH better and smother and it made me wonder. before i just thought it was because of its an ALPHA.

i cant move my mouse more than a couple of inches before the whole things shaking (not injured, sick or anything)

i know theres problems with the fps but is there some way to improve it to "youtube standards" ?

I run a I7 clocked with dual GTx590TI and 16MB ram so that should not be the problem...

thank for the help and sry if i missed an already posted thread


My first thought is a problem with the SLI, SLI seems great but it rarely works well. your system should be getting much higher fps, i suggest use only one card, see how you get on.

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turn off mouse smoothing, turn off post processing, turn off AA and the filtering FFA or whatever it is. turn down terrain settings. everything should be low/ off except for obj. detail and texture detail. oh and keep memory on default.

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Have you installed the latest drivers? Or drivers at all for that matter?

If your running SLI on an I7 you should almost be able to max the game with smooth frame rates. You will see drops in your frames as you enter cities and such, but this is to be expected. You said 16MB ram.... I would have to assume you meant 16"GB".

I am running two HD5850's @ 1920x1200 resolution with no Anti Aliasing no Post Processing, the rest maxed and 3D Resolution @ 100% with no problems besides for the slight frame drop in some cities.

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i see a lot of talk about frame drop in cities. my frames have ALWAYS increased in cities. its the forest that kills my frames. anyone else have this happen also?

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I think its related to ArmA more then DayZ, cause my 680 usually got like, 20+ FPS, and even less in first person mode sometimes. Its weird.

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i just read '16MB' and thought, well thats your issue ^^ but im guessing you ment 16GB xD

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worked :)

disabled everything except textures and models. bumped down res. to 1280 - 720 and i get a solid fps now (havent tried major cityes yet)

the mouse smoothing made a huge difference

thanks alot :)

ps. MB - GB.... and here i was trying not to sound like a total newb ^^

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