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Unarmed Freshspawn kills fully geared clan and feels bad............

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New spawn running to elektro from the east and is passing by a small town near the industrial warehouse. Unarmed newspawn find 2 fully geared players shooting at something, zombies he thinks, he creeps up to the one with the sks and punches him from behind, takes his sks empties a round in his noggin and takes down his nearby friend who has an m4a1. Both players have full sets of military clothes, pristine helmets, mountain bags, scoped weapons and so on, he proceeds to loot.....The new spawn then hears the sound of both barrels of a Blaze 95 going off behind him and dies while looting their bodies, the assailant then utters, "got you, you little fucker".


This was a clan pvp server with 30+ players so its safe to assume they were operating in a clan as there were at least 3 of them together all fully armed.


Thats the story, lol enjoy and have pictures. Sry only had time to take 2



Edited by Pokerguy10

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Zoom in the first picture you can see the friend with the m4 at the top right quarter

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this is necessary


[cool story bro picture]


It's surprisingly easy to kill well geared players with nothing but your fists. A friend and I once got killed at the office/school in Berezino and I respawned right near it, I decided to run in and Mike Tyson them because I had nothing to lose and I ended up taking out 3/4 of them before I got my legs broken with a Mosin shot and then executed.

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