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Non-PvP Servers

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For all those that are getting tired of getting shot at 5 mins after spawning or just flat out don't want to do PvP to begin with I am suggesting that there should be Non-PvP servers.

And before you all start posting that PvP is what makes this game or any other BS on trying to justicfy PvP, know that not everyone plays games for PvP. And don't pass off the "simulator" crap either. This is still a game.

Would there be server hopping? Yes, there isn't anything you can do to change that. But what about people stealing your gear from your tent or safe haven? If this happens on a Non-PvP server you become flagged from PvP for a few minutes much like any other game. A message pops up or the bandit icon appears on your UI and will slowly fade over time so long as your not in combat.

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Maybe you can also suggest to the DEV team to put up servers without any infected in them.

Its not about PVP. Its about survival. This is something that you would encounter in this actual situation. The DEV team is not going to do this. Also...Your an idiot.

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Ignore Lachmayne, that he cannot oppose your opinion without calling you an idiot only goes to show he lacks the maturity and intelligence that is wanted in anyone making a suggestion to the community.

It is a nice suggestion, but perhaps it would be better to have servers that limit players who enter, PvP could still happen, but you would be kicked out if your humanity was below a certain level. New-player friendly, but without removing the occasional necessity to kill someone out of basic need, i.e. starvation. Most PvP kills are not done out of need, but panic or immaturity.

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Maybe you can also suggest to the DEV team to put up servers without any infected in them.

Its not about PVP. Its about survival. This is something that you would encounter in this actual situation. The DEV team is not going to do this. Also...Your an idiot.

It isn't up to the DEV team, it is up to those building servers. And this game right now has nothing to do with survival at all at the moment. It is all about how quickly I can get the sniper gun so I can kill new players.

Survival would be if you found a shit load of guns and ammo was rare. Right now it is the reverse. Tons of ammo and no guns.

As for what the DEV team has planned, you have no clue unless your on the team, which your not. Idiot I am not sir and/or madam!

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There's a NON-PVP server out now, rumored.

Something with Rainbow in it, or so I heard.

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Guys, heads up, it's "you're", not "your" in the instances you use them

e.g. You're an idiot, for saying 'your an idiot'.

e.g. You have no clue unless you're on the team...

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There is no posibility to turn PVP off, you can read it here in the FAQ:


But I agree to you, at the moment there are a lot of playerkillers and no reason for them not to do it. I think this should be fixed, there should be more posibilitys for teamplayer and more (realistic) problems for lone wolfes; maybe what I read in another threat, that you get insane if you kill to much players, or more mechanisms (?) like the blood-pack!

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Sorry, I didn't mean to call you an idiot. I just wanted to be cool. However I still think that it would break the suspense and the fun of the game.

Zombies scare the shit out of me, only because I am scared of the attention that I have to attract to myself with the bandit over the hill. Having PVP adds so many more layers to the game that would not be there without it. This would bring up more problems with people staying in non-pvp servers and getting copious amounts of awesome loot and then griefing on actual servers. I just don't see how this game could be fun without any bandits.

If anything there should be some kind of negative effect placed upon bandits.

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