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Creating/Looking for a group without annoying leaders.

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Hey guys,

I'm sick and tired of being in groups with guys who think this is their chance in life to lead a group of people. They are overbearing, you must do what they want or you throw a hissy fit, and they are generally all around annoying.

I'm either looking for an existing group of people 18+ that:

-Likes to do stuff as a group and collaborate as a group.

-Does not argue over meaningless shit.

-Does not have any people with the qualities mentioned in the first paragraph.

-Does not dupe shit(that's incredibly tedious and takes ALL the fun out of the game).

-Does not ignore people in TS/Skype/Mumble/Vent

Or we could create a new group consisting of people who post here.

I'm not looking for a huge amount of people maybe 5-15 ish.

I have all forms of communication, (vent, Skype, TS, mumble) but no server for anything. So unless you have a server we will be using Skype.

I'm in CST time zone.

PM me or post on this page if your interested in what I'm looking for. Or if you have a group that already has these qualities.

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Lets create a new group, I'm in. Im somewhat new to Day Z (a week in only) but pretty experienced in shooters.

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I roll with some friends, we basically do things based on consensus, Everybody gets to drive at some point if they want, figuratively and literally. There's no hierarchy. If someone really doesn't want to do something that the rest of us want to do, we'll either split up, or do something else, but once we've met up in game, we generally don't leave people alone unless they die. We generally don't roll up into Cherno or Electro just to meet up with one guy.

we had a ventrilo, but somebody forgot to pay for it, so it's out of action for a day or so. Anyway, add me on steam. lord_damon

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heck yeah, im in if u want to do gun around. ill have to make a skype account so let me know if your wanting to do this so i can get that done. im in pacific standard time. hit me back with a pm

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you shouldnt join a group which has a leader... everyone should decide where to go and if there are problems deciding directions, everyone should explain why they think theirs idea is the best option (always works out fine)

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It was not my intention to join a group with a leader....one day it was a few cool guy messing around dayz/teamspeak. Then the teamspeak got increadibly overpopulated and a few people thought it necessary to declare themselves leaders.

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My old group had a great way of dealing with annoying people.

We shot them.

It didn't matter who it was, if they started having a hissy fit, throwing a tantrum or just generally being a dipshit, bam, dead and were moving on.

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I'd be down to roll with you guys as well; so long as everyone is level-headed and understands that there is strength in numbers.

Unlike a lot of players that many of us have encountered, I engage in this simulation for 2 purposes. The first is to survive. The second is to eliminate as many INFECTED as possible. It is not in my least intention to kill other players, bandits or not. I will however fire if fired upon.

If you guys do in fact wish to organize a group of individuals, then I'm all in.

My steam: newbitect

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Hey all that sounds cool I'm down to roll. I'm a pretty relaxed guy I'm not gonna cry or anything because virtual me caught aids or whatever. I don't usually shoot other survivors, but when I do its pretty great. I'll be the 'shoot shifty strangers' guy!


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Yes! leaders/assholes are annoying. hit me up on steam: kadskirata1, in game name is skirata, dont shoot me!

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