[email protected] 6 Posted June 25, 2012 Ok could some one please explain why on gods green earth that every time I try and enter a church it's blocked by barbwire. At least drop in cutting tools that will allow use to cut down barbwire when we come across them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timma (DayZ) 16 Posted June 25, 2012 The toolbox lets you remove barbed wire - action point is in the middle of the wire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted June 25, 2012 So there is an action point in the barbwire, so players putting it up or doing other players a service. nice I didn't know that. Thanks for the info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fml 29 Posted June 25, 2012 Players are not doing other players a service by setting up those fences. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funionz 7 Posted June 25, 2012 Jesus its this thread again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skeltah 0 Posted June 25, 2012 I haven't met a player placed obstacle yet you can't jump over. I know it's not exactly great when a zombie is chasing you but you shouldn't die unless of course you have like 10 zombies chasing you.If you are one of those players whom simply likes to sprint everywhere, and pull every zombie, then run into a house and kill them, I'll admit it's highly effective... try working on learning when to run, and when to stealth :) this should fix your problem.the "v" key allows you to vault over obstacles. -tank spikes-barbed wire-park benches (you can usually walk over it in one direction)-sand bag walls(you will rarely have to try twice to negotiate the obstacle.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vonlinchen 26 Posted June 25, 2012 God is testing you, you must overcome this challange to enter his sacred place.Or.He doesn't want some homeless guy whos spent the past 2 weeks walking the countryside to come in.Either or. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rakkasan 23 Posted June 25, 2012 Retarded amount of wire fencing spawns=retarded amount of players putting it up.Fastest fix to get in, log off server, go into another server, enter, then relog back on. Easily bypassed. Though most of the time the loot is not worth it, nor the risk.I like to gather wire fencing then wire fence the wire fence loot spawn and tank trap spawns I come across. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merszowszczyzna 23 Posted June 25, 2012 I blocked off the whole elektro (around hundred fences/tanktraps) on a server my clan keeps playing on and they hate me for that now. Elektro is now almost always empty tho. But like the person above said, you can jump over some of the fences that are placed inside buildings since they are always placed on ground level. That's why if you want to block an entrance you have to put it slightly outside so it doesn't get placed inside any floors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justwrath 23 Posted June 25, 2012 tank traps and razor wire barricades are placed by server hoppers to protect their loot from being taken from players who don't use this tactic. Its a symptom of an exploit and both items should probably be removed from the mod.And for those of you that would whine about this option, do you really think the spirit of this mod is to have to jump to another server just to overcome an obstacle, return to previous server, than jump again to get back out? Please. An exploit is an exploit. This one should be easy to clean up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fml 29 Posted June 25, 2012 Jesus its this thread again.Jesus its this post again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merszowszczyzna 23 Posted June 25, 2012 tank traps and razor wire barricades are placed by server hoppers to protect their loot from being taken from players who don't use this tactic. Its a symptom of an exploit and both items should probably be removed from the mod.And for those of you that would whine about this option' date=' do you really think the spirit of this mod is to have to jump to another server just to overcome an obstacle, return to previous server, than jump again to get back out? Please. An exploit is an exploit. This one should be easy to clean up.[/quote']Lol at calling it an exploit. And no, I doubt server hoppers would bother with putting fences. At least not for the reason you think they do. They simply want to rustle some jimmies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagoth Wit 21 Posted June 25, 2012 tank traps and razor wire barricades are placed by server hoppers to protect their loot from being taken from players who don't use this tactic. Its a symptom of an exploit and both items should probably be removed from the mod.And for those of you that would whine about this option' date=' do you really think the spirit of this mod is to have to jump to another server just to overcome an obstacle, return to previous server, than jump again to get back out? Please. An exploit is an exploit. This one should be easy to clean up.[/quote']Lol at calling it an exploit. And no, I doubt server hoppers would bother with putting fences. At least not for the reason you think they do. They simply want to rustle some jimmies.Spoken like a true server hopper.:dodgy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rakkasan 23 Posted June 25, 2012 ROFL server hopping is not an exploit (though I do not condone it). But if (as player stated above) an asswipe dupes/loots an assload of traps/wire and blocks off a whole town, what is your solution? It is not like traps/wire is rare, its as common as tin cans. If I have the tools, sure I take it down. 90% of the time no one has the tools. So all you get is "Haha I just blocked off the whole town on this server" Infact I can guarantee if you go into a big city (of your choice) one of the major loot sources is blocked off. Its beyond ridiculous now. You do what you have to do to get in, you risk your time/life to get into town, and everything blocked off because some asshole found wire fencing before you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted June 25, 2012 I only have a problem with it when I vault over it, it somehow breaks my legs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DocSavage 0 Posted June 25, 2012 While I can sympathize with people who risk a lot only to be warded off by wire and tank traps, it's exactly these dickish maneuvers that need to be preserved as the game moves forward.Yes, it sucks. But so does being sniped from hundreds of yards away, or being blown up by a remotely placed satchel charge, or being killed in the crossfire of two player squads. All of those kinds of things contribute to the anything-goes environment that Day Z is being praised for (most recently by EVE Online developers: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/25/eve-online-devs-on-dayz-elder-scrolls-online-and-whatd-make-them-quit-the-games-industry/).In so many words, go place some barbed wire of your own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merszowszczyzna 23 Posted June 25, 2012 tank traps and razor wire barricades are placed by server hoppers to protect their loot from being taken from players who don't use this tactic. Its a symptom of an exploit and both items should probably be removed from the mod.And for those of you that would whine about this option' date=' do you really think the spirit of this mod is to have to jump to another server just to overcome an obstacle, return to previous server, than jump again to get back out? Please. An exploit is an exploit. This one should be easy to clean up.[/quote']Lol at calling it an exploit. And no, I doubt server hoppers would bother with putting fences. At least not for the reason you think they do. They simply want to rustle some jimmies.Spoken like a true server hopper.:dodgy:I dont server hope. And it wouldn't be a problem if it was easier to find the spot on the fence which gives you the "Remove wire" option. Right now even with tools it is sometimes impossible to take them down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hze 3 Posted June 25, 2012 I haven't met a player placed obstacle yet you can't jump over. I know it's not exactly great when a zombie is chasing you but you shouldn't die unless of course you have like 10 zombies chasing you.If you are one of those players whom simply likes to sprint everywhere' date=' and pull every zombie, then run into a house and kill them, I'll admit it's highly effective... try working on learning when to run, and when to stealth :) this should fix your problem.the "v" key allows you to vault over obstacles. -tank spikes-barbed wire-park benches (you can usually walk over it in one direction)-sand bag walls(you will rarely have to try twice to negotiate the obstacle.)[/quote']you cant vault over barbed wire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuranyll 0 Posted June 25, 2012 Yes' date=' it sucks. But so does being sniped from hundreds of yards away, or being blown up by a remotely placed satchel charge, or being killed in the crossfire of two player squads. All of those kinds of things contribute to the anything-goes environment that Day Z is being praised for (most recently by EVE Online developers: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/25/eve-online-devs-on-dayz-elder-scrolls-online-and-whatd-make-them-quit-the-games-industry/).In so many words, go place some barbed wire of your own.[/quote']Yes, it does suck to have all those things happen, but all of those other things actually require another person to physically be there and do it. With the tank traps and barbed wire, you just place it there and leave. Also, every home in Chernarus seems to have a military bases worth of wire and tank traps. Just reducing the spawn rate for it would make this problem much more bearable. Getting screwed out of the barracks or a fire station from wire is understandable, those are good places. Getting blocked out of some shit house in the middle of nowhere because there's nothing else to do with it? feelsbadman.jpgI'm all for griefing and trolling as long as it involves player interaction or a decent amount of effort to do it. At its current state, it's so stupidly easy to grief with it that it stopped being funny and just got annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EviLClownLivE 0 Posted June 25, 2012 I have many issues with barb wire. If they place it just right inside a door way I can select the middle post to remove it. I can only vault over barb wire that is half way stuck in the ground. If the barb wire is placed correctly I can't vault it. More often then not, every church, pub, factory, house, shed, pub, anything is blocked with barb wire. I have even seen tool boxes in side sheds and houses that I couldn't get to because well barb wire blocks me from the tools to remove it. Barb wire pretty bad idea keeps players from playing in a sense and makes trolls and exploiters the kings of the server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizm0 96 Posted June 25, 2012 a simple fix would be letting them to be taken down no matter where you look on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foolish (DayZ) 0 Posted June 25, 2012 The idea behind the barb wire - good. The execution of the idea - not so good. (literally almost NO thought to the process behind it you can somehow spool out this razor wire without tools yet you cannot unspool it without tools how? what did I secure it with? did I screw in screws or nail in nails with my mind? I don't understand it) They need to make it so you need the stupidly rare tools to put these things up that would stop alot of these people who find some and just use it to block doorways as they would need to have those tools first. Or someone will explain how they justified this put this razor wire up without tools then NEEDING tools to take it down it's kinda baffling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funionz 7 Posted June 25, 2012 Jesus its this thread again.Jesus its this post again.Hey look! It's the guy who got killed because he purposely ran past an armed player and got shot in the back with the worst weapon in the game on video, and then posted it on the forums whining, and since it backfired on him, he now relentlessly stalks people around the forums further belching blood out of his axe wound!To add something constructive to this thread, this has been gone over and million times, yes they spawn more frequently, yes you CAN vault over MOST of them, the only thing that needs to happen is having the toolbox spawn more frequently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kamikaze (DayZ) 0 Posted June 25, 2012 I haven't met a player placed obstacle yet you can't jump over. I know it's not exactly great when a zombie is chasing you but you shouldn't die unless of course you have like 10 zombies chasing you.If you are one of those players whom simply likes to sprint everywhere' date=' and pull every zombie, then run into a house and kill them, I'll admit it's highly effective... try working on learning when to run, and when to stealth :) this should fix your problem.the "v" key allows you to vault over obstacles. -tank spikes-barbed wire-park benches (you can usually walk over it in one direction)-sand bag walls(you will rarely have to try twice to negotiate the obstacle.)[/quote']Sometimes when crossing barbwire you can fracture a bone and bleed out or die instantly. It has happened to my friend and I more than once Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EviLClownLivE 0 Posted June 25, 2012 Really Kamikaze you can vault barbed wire? I mean I can't do it. I watching Destiny right now playing DayZ he spent about 5 mins trying to vault barbed wire and couldn't do it. Seems you know a little more then the rest of us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites