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Multiple characters on one machine

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My roommate has seen me play DayZ and was thinking about buying it.  His computer sucks so I was going to let him use mine, however will that affect my character at all or is that even possible? 


I know I read a couple months back this did not work, was it fixed?

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Multiple copies of the game works on the same PC. It's how Sacriel (twitch streamer) has so many load outs for his streams. Never done it but know it's done.

Edited by makomachine

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If you play regular and he goes onto your account and dies you will lose your chacter. if you play regular let him play hardcore...either that or let him make a steam account and make him buy his own copy

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Multiple copies of the game workspace the same PC. It's how Sacriel (twitch streamer) has so many load outs for his streams. Never done it but know it's done.

Forgot to mention - key is separate Steam accounts.

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seperate steam accounts, seperate keys, seperate characters. easy stuff.

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FYI, there does seem to be an outstanding bug with this. Just happened to come across this the other day since I was curious about doing the same thing.


"2 steam accounts, 2 paid copies of Dayz, 1 in-game character" (not working)




Keep in mind there is a difference between which character is displayed at the start-up screen (the vanity screen) and which character is actually used "in-game" (depending on which Hive you connect to - Regular or Hardcore).

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