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Game is growing too fast?

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@rinaun: strange, I have sent YouTube vids of this mod to 3 friends and had 4 others play it in turns with me at my house, and every single one of them were both madly in love with and aware it was alpha - amazed was the reaction of one.

To those of us who don't just want yet another L4D or CoD - both great games in their own right, but not to my own personal liking - this game is a Godsend and I am so happy playing it that I would happily buy it now in it's current state. Yes, it has problems, but compared to hundreds of other big name Alpha and Beta tests I have been involved in, Day Z stands out as being simply staggering for what such a small group have managed to put in.

The simple rule is: if you don't like the alpha as it stands, leave feedback in the relevant section of the forum and then leave to play another game that you love.

You are witnessing the birth of a genre' date=' the MMOZSRPG. Stopping the game now is like pausing a movie at the 60 minute mark


Ah, but what if it's a 59 min film and the last minute is just the credits? Got you there, haven't I?

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Triple the server capacity and fix the lost gear/restart at coast for no reason and this tiny mod will win awards.

ArmA II CO is now number 2 on steam behind Max Payne 3 pre-sale. There are simply too many damn people playing the game.

ArmA II never had much of an MP base. Yeah people did COOP and hosted games for friends and you had domination and warfare servers, but this number of people is pushing the game to the edge, in fact it seems like it's breaking.

Even in servers half full or near empty with pings below 50ms I'm getting all sorts of weird crashes and lags.

Honestly, I hope it burns out by Sunday and we get another patch or something so I can play with my guys. Doing it solo tonight has been a nightmare.

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I think they should just stop now. Work on nothing but bug fixes in its current state and focus on a stand alone game. Same realism as ARMA, I don't care if it is on the same engine but things like direct chat needing addressed hinders a lot of potential gameplay. As I understand DC is broken in ARMA and not just the mod. I would pay 50$ bucks for this and buy it for all my nay saying friends, who I am having a hard time getting to download because "OMFG DIABLOZ."

As someone else stated, this game gives the thrill eve does but on a quicker pace, not instant but not as slow as eve either. It would be AWESOME to see some kind of ecomny without the game being taken out of context (i.e. Vehichles should be hard to obtain/keep running, no op guns, and no b.s. airstrikes or anything COD.)

FPS games literally NEEDS a revolution like this game or we are going to be stuck with COD clones for to long(already to long!) I haven't felt this engaged in a game since Eve and before that Lan parties with counter strike and starcraft!

Go devs go!

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It can only be growing too fast if the positive aspects of its increased publicity begin to be outweighed by negative aspects. So far, I've seen very few negative aspects to go along with this rise in popularity.

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I don't see what the devs would gain from closing down the servers. Having in mind that it's still in alpha you'll just have to deal with the problems whether it's bugs or lack of servers. Most games don't have open alpha or even beta for that matter. So be happy for the fact that your able to play it at all.

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I have heaps of fun I spend 90% of my time in game solo stalking/avoiding zombies and other players. The reactions I get from other players is lol when you get the drop on them and let them know in side channel.

haha yeah, i just spent about 2 hours using the flares and attention that 2 players drew away from me regarding zombies, shadowing them all the time without letting them know i'm there.

Nighttime CAN definatly be fun for that kind of play.

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A lot of players probably don't realise this is an alpha, they then become angry at the glitches and bugs and ragequit. That's the only problematic thing I see with having a large playerbase in alpha to be honest. There's not much the devs can do about it though, maybe they should add a big ass 'THIS IS AN ALPHA, EXPECT UNSTABLE PERFORMANCE, GAMEPLAY AND LOTS OF BUGS' disclaimer somewhere.

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