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Pvt Parts (DayZ)

Zombie respawn rate?

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So I just managed to sneak into the barn on the outskirts of Cherno and like a fool aggroed a Zed just as I got to the door. I made my way up the stairs and squeezed off a round from my AK, sure enough 18 others from the near by area come running in. I kill them all and think right then, the place should be clear now, I snoop around the barn, gather a few bits of loot and a couple of heat packs from the Zeds for those colds nights in the woods alone. Then when I go to leave I see 4 more Zeds shambling around outside, I leave through the other exit and head on into the stables where I'm spotted by a passing Zed, I head back into the barn and down him, then another 21 of his little undead friends come charging in.

So I ask, is that the usual respawn rate on the Zeds around a small group of buildings?

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the retarded spawn rate makes logging out and back in the only option (that will despawn all the zombies that your client spawned)

if they stop people logging out and back in it will break the game

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That's common but is it really respawn rates? Is there even any respawn while you're in the area? An area I clean is generally clean until I leave and comeback, what I've seen happen is zombies you aggro from far and don't reach you before the gunfight ends might suddenly lose interest and wander around near the place. It could be that as we move, even in such a small range we're despawning and spawning zombies from low-yield buildings that are really far away.. Zombies that will come out running immediately at the sound of gunfire. *shrug*

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