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Average life span 'Issue' that Im wondering about

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A LOT of players will re spawn 5-10 times just to get a decent spawn location near a major city. Im not sure but I 'think' this makes the average life calculation lower then it really is. Because if players are re spawning thousands of times in a few minutes just to get a good spot, thats a lot of '10second life spans" which destroys the true average.

Does the game ignore these multiple spawns? I realise that the leader boards will be wiped sometime but I feel as long as playes are doing this. The average life span (which is around 30min atm) will be false.

Simple fix (other then just removing the ability to respawn every few seconds) would be for the leader board system not to take 20sec or less spawns into consideration.

This is not a big issue, Im just wondering how its all calculated. Because if all these re spawns are being calculated I would have to say the average life span is more near 1+ hours.


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The calculation of the average life span does not include deaths in the first few minutes after spawn

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