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Apparently I was "speed gun hacking" ( me vs 3 fight) Video

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Well then, since your argument is so solid and you state your case in such an eloquent fashion.... I guess I'll have to ask, could I have a word with your parent or community care worker?



The funniest part is you want a serious reply to an initial troll-like post that was clearly intended as a shot at the OP. Now you're acting all high and mighty over a computer when you took the initial shot, an idiotic one at that. Why can't you just let it go? It is now evident to me that your initial troll post didn't even deserve the likes of a derp reply; little did I know I was still taking troll bait, lol.


Nonetheless, I'll humor you. I'm not a fan of 3PP by any means, but to relate the use of 3PP to actual hacking/cheating is foolishly instigative and highlights your elitist 1PP attitude that makes the rest of us 1PPers look bad.


Also, derp.  ;)

Edited by solodude23
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The funniest part is you want a serious reply to an initial troll-like post that was clearly intended as a shot at the OP. Now you're acting all high and mighty over a computer when you took the initial shot, an idiotic one at that. Why can't you just let it go? It is now evident to me that your initial troll post didn't even deserve the likes of a derp reply; little did I know I was still taking troll bait, lol.


Nonetheless, I'll humor you. I'm not a fan of 3PP by any means, but to relate the use of 3PP to actual hacking/cheating is foolishly instigative and highlights your elitist 1PP attitude that makes the rest of us 1PPers look bad.


Also, derp.  ;)


You're honestly telling me you can't see why abusing Camera angles and leaning into walls to peak through them is unsportsmanlike and is no different than cheating? It's nothing to do with being elitist and everything to do with this kind of behaviour being unacceptable. I don't see how any rational person could disagree with that, unless of course they'd decided that making pointless one word posts and acting like someone on a "care in the community" order was amusing.


As for a my first post being "troll like", I don't see how. The OP should, if he has any moral fiber what-so-ever be ashamed of himself for glitching to gain an advantage, of course I'm sure he doesn't care, but that doesn't mean I'll ignore this type of behaviour when I see it.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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"Guys, I'm not really a retard I'm just pretending." 'kay, enjoy you perceived victory epic "totally not a retard" troll guy.

You gave me a chuckle here. You submitted the post and then thought, "hmm, something is missing," and subsequently edited in the underlined part. Much better.  :D


As for letting it go, why should I? I'd like to improve this playerbase by at least calling attention to them and I intend to continue doing so, people should be ashamed of playing the game in such a cheap, unsportsmanlike like way. The fact that OP came here to brag about his skills and laugh at how people thought he was hacking, while also abusing broken mechanics and glitching to gain an advantage is hypocritical, surely any rational person can see that.


Because that has nothing to do with this thread. Sure, glitching is bad, but I can't exactly blame people when the glitches are so prevalently used by everyone else. Hell, you can't even play night mode without gamma glitching. Anyway, glitching!= hacking. By all means, start your own thread. Actually don't, there's already plenty. I'm sure you'll find one to reply to.  ;)



Totally not a retard troll guy away! 

Edited by solodude23

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You gave me a chuckle here. You submitted the post and then thought, "hmm, something is missing," and subsequently edited in the underlined part. Much better.  :D



Because that has nothing to do with this thread. Sure, glitching is bad, but I can't exactly blame people when the glitches are so prevalently used by everyone else. Hell, you can't even play night mode without gamma glitching. Anyway, glitching!= hacking. By all means, start your own. Actually don't, there's already plenty. I'm sure you'll find one to reply to.  ;)



Totally not a retard troll guy away! 

You sure jumped on the quickly, didn't you? :D


As for it having nothing to do with the thread, sure it does. OP is advertising himself doing it by posting the video, of course someone is going to comment on it.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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I openly say, "Ohhhh Look, I can see through this wall" I proceeded to check another wall or two ( Not that it helped much, To see if I could spot the gang bangers, Funny cause at one point I see them looking at me through the wall, which is how they knew I was chilling in the stairs.)

This was 15 minutes of these 3 surrounding me, So tons bullshit talk and mostly waiting is cut out.

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Anyone one else notice he cut the video at 00.55 and 00.56 because he was looking through the walls? Also looking through the walls several times after.

Actually that's just me panicing and pushing the wrong button.  If I wanted to cut out me glitching through walls I would have done it a lot smoother than that.  I know how to edit bro.

Let's see you keep %100 cool when 3 guys are hating on you. Sometimes you misclick from panic mode.



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Actually that's just me panicing and pushing the wrong button.  If I wanted to cut out me glitching through walls I would have done it a lot smoother than that.  I know how to edit bro.

Let's see you keep %100 cool when 3 guys are hating on you. Sometimes you misclick from panic mode.




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Yet another great clip Freeman :thumbsup:


You said you where going to kill them if they didn't leave you alone so they had it coming  :lol:  

And your karma seams more balanced than most players so don't mind the grapes :D


Keep On Rockin' in the FreeMan world

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its was a good video man, i rather enjoyed it.



on the side note: I find it funny when people bitch about seeing through wall in 3rd person, you can do it in 1st person as well. Its not a view mode problem, its a wall problem.

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Great video. And like others have said before me here, you can wall glitch view in 1st person also, it's just easier in 3pp. It's not the player's fault either, it's the game. until they fix it, you'd be a complete idiot for not taking advantage of it because i tell you what, other most certainly are. You'd be putting yourself at a disadvantage not to do it when you can.

I know some people that tell me they play in 3pp servers using only 1pp. That is just plain silly. if you like 1pp so much, play there because if you play on 3pp using 1pp you are again putting yourself at a great disadvantage.


This isn't about choosing to play DayZ the way it was meant to be because DayZ is not yet the game it is meant to be so you play it as it is now. 


OP - Great video! Anyone who thinks those guys were not doing the same wall glitch view to see the OP are idiots as well. It's why they were standing where they were. I for one will celebrate when these kinds of things are no longer possible but wall glitching only keeps the playing field level and fair in the meantime....

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considering the wall leaning and 3pp abuse, you may as well have been.


What's wrong? Mad cuz bad? LOL

I love reading the complaints from baddies\

And the great social experiment of DayZ continues!  

Edited by DTebbs87
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What's wrong? Mad cuz bad? LOL

I love reading the complaints from baddies\

And the great social experiment of DayZ continues!  

Not cheating makes me a worse player? Ha, the shit you people come out with.

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why drop the m4 :o

I was headed to North West Airfield.. Bit of a hike with 2 weapons out! Any shots from there onward would no doubt be distance shots anyway.

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Looks like they had a small bit of lag there actually. Noting that wouldnt look like lag tho lol. They should have got the hell out of dodge instead of standing there looking at the wall trying to 3pp up the stairs LOL

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 it's the game. until they fix it, you'd be a complete idiot for not taking advantage of it because i tell you what, other most certainly are. You'd be putting yourself at a disadvantage not to do it when you can.

I hate people who don't understand this..

oh and nice vid,  raped those guys..


Edited by Nightstalker3
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