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Cappy (DayZ)

Starting location: The bean coast

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I believe a lot of the problems people are finding with starting with no weapon are mainly due to the starting spawn locations, that being on the coast.

Ignoring NW airfield and stary, some of the best loot locations are along the coast, bolota, cherno, elektro, brezino etc, which are also home to some of the larger number of zeds. Also when you spawn near these locations and load up with loots it fairly pointless to hit up the smaller towns up north as your usually pretty well equipped (alice pack, main and side arm, good amount of food and ammo), so unless you specifically want to hit up NW or stary, theres not much point travel off the coast.

So with the larger amount of zeds, and greater population of players due to good loots and it being the spawn in zone for new players, it can be a very hostile environment

I also think that with the great loots that can be found long the coast, and with it being the home of the largest city, cherno, and some of the larger cities in game it should be a place we gravitate to, not spawn at. So many of the smaller villages are left untouched as there is simply no point to loot them once you've been in cherno and alike.

I must point out though that at the early stages of the mod the coast is the best place to spawn in new players, making it easier to meet other players and then collect data on how they react with the mechanics and each other. But now there are many many servers that are highly populated all day.

To sum up i think it would be better to have people start in a more central location of the map, or maby around the outskirts of the smaller towns in the center, not too close to areas of interest. Making it to a city with vast loot should be a reward, not a lottery of spawning.

what do you all think?

TL: DR, Spawn inland not on coast

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Spawning inland is a intresting idea. I wouldnt mind trying it at some point, see what happens and how it works. Though we may have a lot of people respawning so they can rush stary/ airfields n stuff.

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I agree, this has been bothering me for a bit actually. I've never been back to Elektro or Cherno since everyone and their dog heads there right after spawn. If you had to walk across the map to reach it, the city would be more appealing. You wouldn't have as many noobies who just found their first gun and are itching to try it out as often.

This would cut down on the people who instantly respawn when not right beside Cherno or Elektro as well, as no matter what they are making the journey.

All in all yes, I agree 100% that we need a spawn change. I think the north would work a lot better with the current gameplay.

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Spawning inland is a intresting idea. I wouldnt mind trying it at some point' date=' see what happens and how it works. Though we may have a lot of people respawning so they can rush stary/ airfields n stuff.


Fair point, but the same can be said of cherno and bolota with the current locations.

i would hope that the inland spawn location would be varied and spread out away from places such as stary, NW etc

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Parachuting in out of a burning plane' date=' how about that?


ooowww i like that idea, gives a logical reason for location and items too, great idea that.

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You shouldnt be able to go near cherno/elektro when you spawn. It should be almost impossible to lone wolf sneak into the cities. Hopefully when optimized more, we can have large numbers of zeds in the two cities, along with some better loot to compensate.

Spawning everywhere would certainly prevent issues with noob killings.

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I think this could be an interesting experiment for Rocket and Co. as spawning without a gun has been (and I'm in the camp of believing that spawning with no gun is GREAT!).

I tend to make my home in Berezhino now that cherno and elektro are so populated. Berezhino has military spawns, 3 deer stands, office, hospital, 2 supermarkets, apartments, and an airfield close by. I'm surprised I don't see more people there but it's usually just me and my friends Jaime, Jaime, and Jaime... all with the last name of Hyneman.. odd

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There are inland spawns already' date=' I've spawned in Novy Sobor multiple times.


You misuse the plural 'spawn/s', as there is only one, novy sobor. And also kinda missing the point of the thread.

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I wouldn't mind seeing random spawns in the middle of nowhere in conjunction with removing the little title at load that tells you where you are.

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The more i think about the more i like Fallout10mm's idea for the parachute.

Not only does it give logic to starting inland in only a few items but it also gives us dynamic spawn locations, i.e being able to steer the decent. The mechanic already exists in arma2 too, so if such a thing were to be implemented the work need to do so wouldn't be soo much

Now you could argue that you could shoot vulnerable new spawns as they decent, however compared to the fixed location we already have it seems preferable to me. Add to that it will give you some sort of broad overview to where you are and what is near when you start out.

It would also work well with 'I WUB PUGS' suggestion to remove the start location text.

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There are inland spawns already' date=' I've spawned in Novy Sobor multiple times.


You misuse the plural 'spawn/s', as there is only one, novy sobor. And also kinda missing the point of the thread.

Two different places in Novy = plural.

Not missing the point of the thread at all.

Enjoy your coastal circle jerk, I'll continue to ride my high horse through the north.

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I like the idea of parachuting out of a burning plane and finding yourself in a zombie apocalypse. I also like the idea of inland spawns. There are military tents in cherno, which when server hopped, can get you loads of guns and ammo of your choice. I've even found a sniper rifle there at one point. So pretty much it eliminates the trip to stary sobor unless you want a wider variety.

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Parachuting in out of a burning plane' date=' how about that?


I like that idea as well. it would give a better arc for a story as well. :)

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Interesting idea. I say spawn people far from larger towns (makes smaller ones have some relevance) and make them travel for the cities with good loot. It builds anticipation to get to the larger towns, plus makes them more appreciated.

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I'm glad to see people are interested by the idea, and the points and suggestion you've all made have been great, i hope some dev will see this, or more that likely have the same idea already.

Keep the ideas and suggestions coming guys, unless you just agree, then +1, it'd be nice to have a none complaint thread stay around.

[to 'bobdole20' please stop trying to troll this thread, although you apparently can't see it you've missed to point completely, this isn't an argument about there being no inland spawn,. yes there is 1 (or 2 if your going to split hairs about an irrelevant point) Its more about how the game would be if there were no coastal spawns, and how inland spawns would effect the game play of all, new and old, while considering its effect on the current survivability with the revised start equipment and alike.]

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There are inland spawns already' date=' I've spawned in Novy Sobor multiple times.


You misuse the plural 'spawn/s', as there is only one, novy sobor. And also kinda missing the point of the thread.

Two different places in Novy = plural.

Not missing the point of the thread at all.

Enjoy your coastal circle jerk, I'll continue to ride my high horse through the north.

The thread started with someone naming all the coastal towns and saying they were the best and only places to get loot, what did you expect? protip: Run north on spawn, it will make your life easier.

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I would like to see the spawns changed to inland, it would allow for a much bigger strategy variation, at the moment you spawn near a town and try there or spend 10mins+ running inland to the nearest loot locations.

The only problem would be that new people would be completely lost. I still think a basic map would help, e.g. a hand sketch which shows the locations of towns and the roads, but does not have your location shown or any detailed info (topographic, trees etc.).

To fit into the "story" you could fly over the country a few times and sketch what you see whilst trying to locate a safe landing location (spawn some wrecked vehicles on the airfields so that they are not suitable for landing), before running out of fuel and having to parachute out of the plane. :)

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I'll throw my hat in on this idea, could be interesting. It would go a ways toward de-segregating the island since as it stands now it tends to be noobs to the south and the hardcore up to the north.

Yes I know it's not entirely like that but there are a lot of new players I've noticed that hang in the south, not because of lack of need to move north but because they are intimidated by the distance and perceived "elite" danger that tends to frequent the north.

Granted right now it would likely just be abused by people respawning to get closer to what they want but once properly implemented along with exploit fixes and what not that I'm sure will appear down the road it could be a really solid idea.

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