[email protected] 2 Posted June 25, 2012 I think im not speaking only for myself when i say I really miss sidechat alot. It was hands down the best thing ever in this game.Everytime i play i keep looking for servers with it enabled but I only managed to find 1 so far. :( But I think servers with sidechat is the servers were those hackers get dragged to see all the reactions of the naughty shit they do.I'd still +1 sidechat to come back however over anything else just because how awesome it was. Game just dosent feel the same anymore and i honestly had way more fun having a global communication tool. I mean common who dosen't miss: "WHO SHOOTING IN CHERNO, FRIENDLY?"Just classic reading stuff like that while you running around in the woods :DPlease people share the servers you found with sidechat enabled!!!Servers with SIDECHAT enabled: DE60 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djkling 5 Posted June 25, 2012 its only enabled if they have not updated. As far as I know Rocket will be removing those since they do not conform to the requirements of servers to be up-to-date Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted June 25, 2012 Good Thread, I'll now know which servers to avoid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macenzie 79 Posted June 25, 2012 NO SIDE CHAT FOR YOU! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djkling 5 Posted June 25, 2012 "who's shooting in Cherno? friendly?i dont need side chat, I know whats being said... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 25, 2012 Blacklist servers with sidechat.If you miss it, that means rocket is doing his job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted June 25, 2012 wrong i got everything updated latest beta patch, dayz patch so does the server.Sidechat still working :)come at me brohcomon ppl share ur discoveries :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t3sla 0 Posted June 25, 2012 *DE60 admin sees thread**Changes to no side chat* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blergh (DayZ) 14 Posted June 28, 2012 *DE60 admin sees thread**Changes to no side chat*And voilá :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AcucracK 0 Posted June 28, 2012 Should be server side choice, just like some servers are veteran and some are regular. Nuff said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorg_dk 30 Posted June 28, 2012 Yes, my most missed feature in Dayz currently. Running around in the woods with no chat is more atmospheric for some people. For me it's just dull, and it feels more like running around in the editor when there's no chat. I miss the days where people would work together using the chat etc.I would be nice to hear from Rocket on this. I think sidechat is like 3rd person view, it should be chosen by the servert to have it on or off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PeteOfButcherBay 17 Posted June 28, 2012 If you want to talk to people go down the pub. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unkn0wn (DayZ) 2 Posted June 28, 2012 At least give servers the choice, some like it, others don't. IMO not only did it add a certain sense of 'community', it also made it much easier to help newer players. Not to mention it made those many alone hours slightly less dull. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jemoeder 51 Posted June 28, 2012 Seattle 74 , Canada 2 NY21 / NY 21 not sure which Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sixteen18 15 Posted June 28, 2012 I love side chat to listen to people complain about our kill squad in Cherno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorg_dk 30 Posted June 28, 2012 At least give servers the choice' date=' some like it, others don't. IMO not only did it add a certain sense of 'community', it also made it much easier to help newer players. Not to mention it made those many alone hours slightly less dull.[/quote']Exactly. And I totally see how many don't like side chat, but for those of us that do like it, let's roll out some servers with it enabled. It's an easy thing to do.If you want to talk to people go down the pub.Thanks so much for adding to the discussion.:heart: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGoldElite 0 Posted June 28, 2012 It's not meant to be a community though, it's meant to be survival sandbox :P Not friendly cuddles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DryGulch 32 Posted June 28, 2012 I think im not speaking only for myself when i say I really miss sidechat alot. It was hands down the best thing ever in this game.You could just hang out on IRC ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 28, 2012 I really miss sidechat, its not realistic of course, but its fun, a day or two ago on a 3DP=0,CH=0 server my group while staking out a known bandit group observed 2 noobs chatting over sidechat and struggling with Zs etc, it was great fun to watch them through binoculars and listen to their chat, we would have even gone over and helped them a little had we not compromised our position badly.The point is without sidechat people have one way of interacting with each other, and that is to shoot, the range on direct chat is too small to really be that useful most of the time. Just so we are clear I don't want us all to hold hands and play pve; that's really boring, but right now it seems that there is very little cooperation outside of groups using external voice comms that already know each other. Yes there will be brainless comments like "Who is shooting in cherno" and so on and yes there will be hackers lapping up the tears but there might also be people using it to get within the vital 50m or whatever the range of direct is and cooperating.I guess the idea is to put radios in and then we have long range comms, however unless those are really common and I don't think it would feel right if they where. They aren't really gonna solve the problem, when your low on supplies right at the start and want to group up with some people most wont have the radio so your back to the 50m comms range.TL;DR No sidechat increases the shoot first don't ask questions tendency and makes coop with people you dont already have comms with difficult to coordinate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LunaTiK (DayZ) 45 Posted June 28, 2012 Make it both server and client side that way on servers with side chat enabled you can turn it off client side if you wish. Win win win, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JimiEZ (DayZ) 0 Posted June 28, 2012 Ban, burn and physically destroy all servers still using sidechat and/or don't upgrade to latest versions. <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites