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[Suggestion] Harsher death penalties, better survival rewards

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Hey, i searched to see if anyone posted anything similar so sorry if this is a duplicate idea.

I was thinking that some sort of reward system based off your survival time would help combat a few of the games current issues. Namely a way to get people to stop treating the game as a Team Deathmatch around the new spawns and city points.

The way it could work would be that if you die and respawn you get starting items based off your previous survival time, these rewards would be based off the average survival time for all players. For example if you survived for less than half the average survival time you would start with only a torch. If you survive for double the average survival time you would start with a hatchett and some food. If you survive for 24 hours you would respawn with an AK plus food. Etc. These rewards would need to be adjusted of course.

Hopefully this would encourage people to try and actually survive rather than just go running into a city and gunning everyone down. Perhaps it would also encourage people to work together, or be even more ruthless, that's up to the individual.

But anyway maybe something like this could encourage people to actually try and care about surviving more than they currently do. Hopefully this wouldn't break the realism too much also.

Any opinions?

TL;DR : Encourage people to try and survive by giving them respawn rewards for longer survival times based off the average server survival time.

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I like the " people should get together " but the whole idea doesn't make any sense. Your new character shouldn't have any link to the previous one.

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It's a survival game, yes this much pvp would probly not happen irl but still you have your lone wolfs, small groups, and your large clans. Survival isn't rewarded irl, say you survived a week in a real zombie apocolypse would you magically come with weapons? No unless your in the military/law enforcement/redneck/ or just have a weapon.

This would be good for veterans but not noobs. You have 1 guy with alot of crap to start and one with nothing. Who will live?

And spawning together, this has been brought up many times before. It won't happen you just gotta learn to know the area and find your friends.

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