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Cutting down on Disconnects / Server Hoppers

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So I was trying to ponder some different ways that might be easy to implement that would cut down on people disconnecting and server hoppers. I don't think anyone honestly thinks these "abilities" should be present in the game, the trick is how to remove them or make them inefficient while not ruining other aspects of the game.

So I started thinking of games I have played in the past, and started coming up with some different ideas. Not all of these would have to be implemented per-say but give different options and see which ones people like (or don't like) the most.

Idea 1)

Simply add in a disconnect timer. Something along the lines of 15-30 seconds that your character would have to be standing completely still and you would not be able to look or anything. The only con I could really think of is if you disconnect your character will be in that location for the specified time, and if you disconnect you probably were not necessarily in a fantastic place to not be able to move. So I am not sure if the pros out way the cons in this case.

Idea 2)

Not being able to disconnect directly after / during combat. This would basically mean that if you have shot a weapon or taken damage within the last 60 seconds (or so) you would not be able to log off. And should you disconnect, your character would still be on the server for the allotted time. This would still enable people to possibly hide and disconnect, but I think it would greatly cut down on it without being that intrusive to the game. I can honestly say I have only once disconnected (on accident) while being chased by zombies. I really didn't like that I was able to do that, and started thinking about how to stop it.

Idea 3)

Not being able to log off while there are zombies within your vicinity (10-15 meters?). This would possibly prevent people from logging off in most towns and locations where they could easily farm loot by switching servers. You would have to go out into the woods, log off, switch servers, and then go and regain access to that building.

EDIT: Would have to add in a timer, perhaps 120 seconds for disconnects and people that alt+F4

I truly and honestly can't see how any one of these ideas could be harmful to the "idea" of the game intended by Rocket and those that enjoy playing how it is meant to be played. It does not punish or reward either survivor or bandit, because I believe both play styles benefit equally from the current ability to disconnect.

Ideally, I personally would like to see all three of the ideas implemented over top of each other. I have always viewed logging off of a game as the time your character sleeps or rests. So when I look at the ideas, I can honestly say I would surely not sleep within the vicinity of active zombies, I would not rest in the location of a hostile person who shot at me, and I surely don't fall asleep instantly.

I am sure some of these ideas overlap some other ideas posted here, just wanted to add my 2 cents.

FYI I play both bandit and survivor depending on my mood, and I enjoy both regular and veteran servers. So I hope my ideas are balanced for all.

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Every single suggestion requires a system stops you from logging off

Alt+F4 doesn't care about the game telling you that you can't log off...you just kill the ArmA2OA.exe and your character vanishes from the game

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Every single suggestion requires a system stops you from logging off

Alt+F4 doesn't care about the game telling you that you can't log off...you just kill the ArmA2OA.exe and your character vanishes from the game

That is the entire point of this system. You may alt+F4 out, but your character does not. Your character will still have to wait the allotted time. Not sure if ARMA would allow this, but it would be fantastic if it did.

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The timer is used in almost every MMO and I think it'd be a good idea but I do like the idea that I can just pop in and out of any server for toilet breaks or distractions irl. Just makes it a little accessible but did you mean server hopping for item farming because this won't fix that or server hopping during pvp?

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I've posted with pretty much the same thing as idea#1.


My reasoning is somewhat similar, the game in its current state is exploitable by both bandits and survivors. I like the idea of tying it up with idea#2. IF you haven't shot you weapon or aggro'd a zed within the last 60 seconds then it's an instant disconnect. Otherwise, it's the incap timer for 20-30 seconds. This MAY put more strain on the server when doing base checks of when you last aggroed and keeping that upto date, so not sure how realistic it would be to implement.

Not so keen on idea#3 for the above reason, the added checks needed providing more server load, as well as the zombie spawns not being 100%

The interesting thing about your idea#1 is the "con" for me. I don't see it as being a bad thing, that you have to know you're safe for 20-30 secs on disconnect. As the reasoning at the end of your post explains, you wouldn't rest easy if you didn't know you were safe at that point in time.

One thing is certain, in its current state it is very easy to exploit getting loot / losing zombies / server hopping / avoiding pvp death. We need some form of log out timer. the aforementioned ones being very reasonable to ALL that play.

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