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Joe Duck

Group spawn

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I am going to reproduce an idea that someone posted in a RPS DayZ thread, I thought it had some merit in it's simplicity.

You could sometimes spawn small groups of survivors (say 3) together in one place. Still unarmed, still vulnerable and still free to cooperate or not. I think that would create some nice possibilities and it is not unrealistic or limiting. If they split, fine. If they don't, awesome.

EDIT: I do not mean friends, I mean random people. You'd actually not know beforehand if you were going to spawn alone or not or who with.

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Do you mean random people or friends spawning together. I guess random people can't kill eachother with no weapons at first so that might make them work as a team but as soon as one of them picks up a weapon am gunna be worrying and probably split lol.

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I meant random people, yes. Maybe you are right but that is the beauty of DayZ...

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It's just that going up to someone is unknown how it will work out. But the way ive found how to make allies is simply, they are being chased by zombies? Go kill the zombie with or for them. They will be thankful you killed the zombies and helped them and you partner up.

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