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UK87 Everything Wiped?

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I just came online on UK87 at my camp and every single thing was gone :S

Does somebody experienced this also?

P.S. might be wrong section just need fast answer

Server UK87 ( Ianclan.com / Villayer.com

P.S. server did have the no message receive thingy before it

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Many threads already posted about things like this if you use the search. It sucks, but they are aware of it. A lot of people a re reporting things coming back after the admins restart their servers again. My group wasnt so lucky however.

There is also issue where hackers use some sort of nuke that kills all players and if it hits near your camps, destroys your tents and items.

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Happened to me ~6 times in the past month, the stuff always comes back after a proper restart though. Post a message in server general if it persists for more than an hour or two; ask politely for a restart.

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Where can i post it directly to one of the admins? there is no side chat

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