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I love this game..But im scared to play it!

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Ok hello im kinda new to dayZ..I bought Arma 2 last year hopefully to play the mod..I only played the mod for like 6 hours and i REALLY liked it..But i didnt like Arma..For some strange reason.Like the gameplay i didnt like.So a couple of DayZ ago (hehehe) it was my bday (march 15) so i got some money and i bought BF4 premium and DayZ.I spent the next couple of nights and days playing DayZ with 2 of my friends and gettings kited out what i have is:

Gray Tactical Shirt

Black UK vest

Black Cargo pants

Wolf/Gas mask

Brown army boots

M4 with RDS sight (damaged) Green body,Green buttstock,Green M4 forgrip,Flash light,like 6 mags,Bunch of ammo

m1911 (no ammo

CZ75 (like tons of ammo but 1 clip)

Like 2 meddy packs

Heres a screenshot of my person http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3282302860275612220/E5B58A60BA331D28A94B9B7DEAEB4E1FF0903F5E/






Ok so the point is why am i so scared..I wanna be a hero..and i am i helped out 2 ppl..But i get to scared and dont wanna play the game cause i dont wanna lose my stuf..How do i overcome my fear and so i can have fun in DayZ!!!


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Hmmm.. Find someone who will be your gun-meat and talk with everyone first.

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Hm thats a good idea..But..im not a jerk :\

There is nothing bad in it, find some dude, play with him and make a role, he will carry shotgun and walk further, he will find out is they are gang-bang bandits and you will kill them + you will cover him. Or they are good guys and maybe you will do some thing together.


DO.....NOT....TRUST.... ANYONE...

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There is nothing bad in it, find some dude, play with him and make a role, he will carry shotgun and walk further, he will find out is they are gang-bang bandits and you will kill them + you will cover him. Or they are good guys and maybe you will do some thing together.


DO.....NOT....TRUST.... ANYONE...


Ok...I might try that..I just need a gineypig 

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Never get attached to your gear. You WILL lose it eventually.

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^ what this guy said


You'll think you're safe, no players around and no zombies... then bam, it happens. Broke arm, broke leg, glitched through the graphics, dead.


Edit: The next time around you'll find stuff much, much more quickly, and may even find better stuff! It's all about the journey, don't sweat the gear.

Edited by Amias Free
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Exactly. Would you rather die trying to help someone, or die to some random glitch? 


Your choice.

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As mentioned, never get attached to your gear.

Gearing up as a new spawn is half the fun anyways, running about not giving a toss. :)

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Play like a man and die with honor if it comes to that. Or hide in the bushes and quit when you got bored. Your choice. It's supposed to feel like something, that's when you are doing it right.

Also what they other guys said about not worrying about your loot, is very true. Welcome to DayZ!

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My suggestion is to become a Bandit first. Shoot everyone you see, get to know your weapons and if your familiar with game and your Heart isnt falling out of your chest when someone shoots at you, then you can become a Hero.


P.S. Another suggestion: Go on a 40/40 server and try to be friendly to everyone in Elektro :D

Edited by DNY

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As a once lone-wolf of the DayZ Mod, and a former sniper for a bandit clan turned survivalist....one thing I can assure you is you will eventually come to a point in the game where you will either lose all your gear to a glitch or to a best friend turned enemy. My suggestion to you to get over this Warcraft like attachment to your gear is to get fully geared and then go to the coast and die. Do it a couple of times so you become good and desensitized to the feeling then you should snap out of the gear love, jump off some buildings after you gear or go screaming in direct comms down Elektro and let the DayZ gods do their work, only then will you lose all attachment to anything you could have picked up...and remember there's always someone out there with something better than yours, so take it! Now you know and knowing is half the battle....COBRA! 

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my advice dont be a hero, i was a hero in the mod but in the SA its just not possable I have met 1 freindlly player in the SA and that was on the second day of release


with the lack of zombies, ammo and food is just too common and the is not real threat or challenge to a skilled player apart from fighing people


soon (hopefully) there will be more zombies, food will be harder to get as a result (it will be just as common but you have to get through zeds to get it) and ammo will be used up more quicklly, plus with cars there will re more to do and more fun to be had. this should cut down on kos


plus with alot of zombies firing a gun will be a BAD thing, think about it "BANG, oh crap there are 45 zeds chasing me, i should not have killed that dude (at lease not untill after we cleared the village lol)"



once KOS  has been cut down through the natural deveolpment of the game then we will see more in the way of player to player interaction than KOS


then you can play as a hero, untill then shoot everyone cos you will die ALL THE TIME if you dont     

Edited by King Tubbs

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Man I'm right there with you OP.. I'm now on my third life and just found a gun (haven't found the right ammo yet) have lots of food, water, sodas and everything else I need.


I've been avoiding ppl like the plague and I'm scared to lose all my stuff that I've spend so much time finding lol.


I need help in the worst way

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Number one piece of advice in DayZ is what everyone here keeps saying, don't get attached to your gear, you won't have it long. 


The only way to play and keep improving is to keep dying and keep getting right back up and starting over. 


I survived 180 days and then got shot by a CoD kid who just joined the server to kill anything that moved.  I went into bereavement at the loss of my character but then you realise that is how it will always be.  So it's best to get used to it and move on.


Good luck! :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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Number one piece of advice in DayZ is what everyone here keeps saying, don't get attached to your gear, you won't have it long. 


The only way to play and keep improving is to keep dying and keep getting right back up and starting over. 


I survived 180 days and then got shot by a CoD kid who just joined the server to kill anything that moved.  I went into bereavement at the loss of my character but then you realise that is how it will always be.  So it's best to get used to it and move on.


Good luck! :thumbsup:

I kinda understand now...I wanna bie and re-start but i want to happen naturally...idk..Maybe im just lazy and i dont wanna get other stuff again.. But one of my friends made a comment and he said.I like to think each of my characters are different ppl like i one i have now is a cowboy. the next one will be swat

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When you die, you will feel a bit liberated of your gear by starting fresh on the beach. That first can of peaches, that first pitchfork become priceless prizes again. I dunno, its just part of the cycle.

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Didn't want to make a new thread about this. I got even more stuff, my player was FULLY geared, m4 all the attachments, water, food, loads of ammo, fire axe, secondary weapon with all ammo ready and I just fucking broke my leg drinking a Pepsi!!!!! WTF man? lol

Edited by Pointt_Blankk

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When you die, you will feel a bit liberated of your gear by starting fresh on the beach. That first can of peaches, that first pitchfork become priceless prizes again. I dunno, its just part of the cycle.


This. ^^


You'll eventually find all the stuff again.  Or you'll end up killing someone and then taking their gear.  Either way, never get too attached to your stuff.  You will lose it eventually.

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Sometimes it's nice to start over, especially if no one else got your stuff ;-)

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Didn't want to make a new thread about this. I got even more stuff, my player was FULLY geared, m4 all the attachments, water, food, loads of ammo, fire axe, secondary weapon with all ammo ready and I just fucking broke my leg drinking a Pepsi!!!!! WTF man? lol

I know the feeling, broke my leg going UPSTAIRS so, dumped the gear up in the NE then suicided since I had no splints or morphine and could not find any (my sticks got ruined when my lefts broke).  I did not make it back before server restart since I spawned WEST of Electro (wtf does that ever happen??).  So starting from scratch, kinda fun, would have been nice to make it back to my stuff.  Most times I die from falling off some damn thing, rarely from a player..

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