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Bat (DayZ)

Zeds' biological rythm

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Make zeds (which are infected but still human beings) sleep at night, following their natural circadian rythm, and nocturnal animals (or infected nocturnal/crepuscular animals) come out and hunt for food at sunset.

Because a virus would not alter natural biological clocks => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Biological_clock_human.svg

Also following that scheme, zeds will behave differently depending on Time Of Day. Having sleeping zeds slowly waking up when sun rises, give them more alertness at 10 AM, then even more at 2 PM etc...

=> remember the first 20 minutes of 28 days later when all infected are asleep in that church ?

What do you think ?

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So everyone would play at night?

If we implement that for Zombies, we should implement that for players too. The need to sleep, etc...

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So everyone would play at night?

I havent thought of it gameplay-wise yet.

But what I can imagine is :

*sleeping zeds would still have high hearing sense.

*while asleep they would be harder to spot.

*system can be randomize so that some zed would still be awake at night. At around 2 AM though, every zed will be asleep.

*If possible system should be realistically scaled with zeds waking up and falling asleep seemlessly.

*Night time would see a new threat because packs of dogs (they are originally nocturnal animals) would roam the streets. During daytime, those animals would only be encountered in the woods.

*It is realistic that dogs would not go to town in daytime, given the zed threat.

*some dogs could be infected. They would roam alone and be extremely dangerous, with a rare spawnrate.

If we implement that for Zombies, we should implement that for players too. The need to sleep, etc...

good point, but I can't think of a system that wouldn't cause the game to become extremely boring. ^^

Regarding a sleeping system for players, maybe do this :

*A fatigue jauge that would take 12 real hours to become red.

*When the jauge is red, aiming becomes harder, movements slower.

*You then need to find a place to rest, a tent or a bed inside a building.

Now we have some options :

* sleeping is instantaneous and won't break your ingame experience.

OR :

* sleeping can be like the pass out animation. You are an easy target for maybe 2-10 min.

(So you'll need to hide your stuff somewhere before going to sleep, and hope noone will find you)

* After sleeping, some blood is restored, hunger and thirst are red.

* If the sleeping jauge is red for too long, then you will start yawning. Then, you will fall asleep like in the middle of nowhere. Will make your temperature go down fast.

MAYBE no need for another jauge. The yawning sound would alert you that you need to find a safe place and rest.

I insist on the 12 real hours. It won't happen often, and many players will die without ever feeling the need to sleep.

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Any other reaction to my ideas ? would you like to see that ingame, do you think it is taking realism too far ? I need your opinion, people :)

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So everyone would play at night?

If we implement that for Zombies' date=' we should implement that for players too. The need to sleep, etc...


Hahahaha, players already have to sleep work etc.. in real life. And because ingame time is the same as real time, I think that it isn't nessecary to implement.

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I like the idea of the infected sleeping and having variable alertness levels. This would add another level of strategy to raiding and help players recagnize that these are infected and not zombies.

I'm not for player sleeping there is enough time spent out of game IMO to represent rest time. Also with the current clock play sessions don't represent a length of time a person can go without sleeping. If the time cycle is accelerated in game at some point I think that player sleeping should be looked at.

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I like the idea of the infected sleeping and having variable alertness levels. This would add another level of strategy to raiding and help players recagnize that these are infected and not zombies.

Yes, it just makes sense to me that zeds could not be walking around all days and nights, they also NEED to sleep. It's a biological need. Like food. A virus can take over someone's bodies, alter his consciousness and reduce his senses, but it won't make their muscles work like forever.

the logical next step to zed life cycle, that's what I think.

Now, imagine the tension walking a town full of sleeping zeds, knowing the slightest noise will awake them fully and be your death?

Plus you add the occasional dog pack who would wait nights to come to town looking for food... It would be scary :)

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I'm bumping my topic hoping to get a fresh reaction, even a negative one :)

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I dunno about sleep, maybe they turn from roamers into lurkers for a little while, the they kneel down and zone out at night. Zombies use very little brain power anyway, they are almost in a dream state while awake but they keep walking. While being biologically accurate in a zombie game is kinda hypocritical... it could work. But I still think some zombies should be up at night. Some people have biological clocks that keep them up at night, remember. People working late shifts and some people who just dislike the day. So some zombies probably would walk around at night still. I'd be one of them lol.

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