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Horrible starts after update.

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It's not about the zeds itselfs but the horrible respawn system. Sometimes they just won't stop spawning next to character and there is no way to avoid them, since they almost outrun the player and follow him infinite.

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I'm glad they follow infinitely. Evil knows no rest and they are some hungry mofos. I still like the current zed system better than it was before. It needs tweaking and fine tuning, sure, but still better than before.

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Lmao at all the complaints about zombies...


My tactic for dealing with them has not changed since december... go first person and aim for their heads.


With fists you knock them out in 1 hit u batter them on the floor they stand up you rinse and repeat...


I honestly cant wait till the zombies get even harder and more vast in numbers... (although it would be nice if we could actually sneak past them but im sure that will come in due time)

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I'm glad they follow infinitely. Evil knows no rest and they are some hungry mofos. I still like the current zed system better than it was before. It needs tweaking and fine tuning, sure, but still better than before.


Agree with this, if any of you guys play the Mod, you will know that they are fast, they are hungry...want to survive?....RUN FOOOOREEEESTTTTTTTT

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 You seem to have a weird sense of pride in this game. It's for fun. The OP thinks it's not fun now that it is to hard to survive. And you can't grasp it. That does not bode well for you cognitive abilities.

Bur it's a survival horror sim..... And as for not being fun plenty of people find it more fun OP just hates it because he doesn't like a challenge no offense to him but honestly it won't help my cognitive abilities? How is having to be smarter detrimental to being cognitive? If I wanted quick relief fun I would play BF4 I'm sure OP would rather play that if zombies are to hard for him or he could go back to WaW zombles.

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Dean and Rocket: Okay! Shut UP! 

*Gives them way better zombies*


Me: :wacko:  :blink:  :unsure:  <_<  :huh:  :|  :facepalm:

Generalizations is never the answer. You think zombies are fine? Good, OP thinks they are not. Different opinions.

Also, if anything they made the zombies worse. They just implemented more of them.


Bur it's a survival horror sim..... 

a "survival HORROR sim"? Please tell me where the "horror" is in all this?? Survival horror is a term as overused in gaming as the AK47 is as a gun.

Edited by Snowball

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Generalizations is never the answer. You think zombies are fine? Good, OP thinks they are not. Different opinions.

Also, if anything they made the zombies worse. They just implemented more of them.


a "survival HORROR sim"? Please tell me where the "horror" is in all this?? Survival horror is a term as overused in gaming as the AK47 is as a gun.

You probably forgot how scary the game was when you first started didn't you? and also anything with mythical creatures like Zombies is considered you guessed it horror! and yes he does have his opinion as I have mine and for the most part I'm right as I'm not talking about just the OP but others that share his opinion saying they want better zombies and then complain when they get them because they're to difficult and as for the pathfinder it's been like that forever imo.

Edited by Xenology

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Zombies are a bit buggy yes, but you sound to me as if you want things handed to you on plate. This is a different form of game. Its going back to the roots of gaming. (Even still its not that hard)

Edited by NinjaTurkey

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You probably forgot how scary the game was when you first started didn't you? and also anything with mythical creatures like Zombies is considered you guessed it horror! and yes he does have his opinion as I have mine and for the most part I'm right as I'm not talking about just the OP but others that share his opinion saying they want better zombies and then complain when they get them because they're to difficult and as for the pathfinder it's been like that forever imo.

You really don't know the definition of horror do you...Horror is meant to scare people, it draws its entertainment value out of the sheer fact that it wants to make people feel fear, or to startle people. Examples of horror in gaming are Amnesia, Outlast, Resident Evil, Dead Space (more or less) etc. If you say anything with mythical creatures in it is considered horror then I guess Lord of the Rings is horror, Skyrim is horror...Hell, My Little Pony could even be horror! People calling this game "horror" have no idea what they are talking about.

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You really don't know the definition of horror do you...Horror is meant to scare people, it draws its entertainment value out of the sheer fact that it wants to make people feel fear, or to startle people. Examples of horror in gaming are Amnesia, Outlast, Resident Evil, Dead Space (more or less) etc. If you say anything with mythical creatures in it is considered horror then I guess Lord of the Rings is horror, Skyrim is horror...Hell, My Little Pony could even be horror! People calling this game "horror" have no idea what they are talking about.

One Skyrim and LOTR are Fantasy not horror zombies are monsters and monsters are mythical because they aren't real. and DayZ can scare you when you first play Bandits zombies startle you I guess you forgot that huh?  And as far as Resident Evil goes it has zombies, Dead Space has a form of zombies, Amnesia is not scary none of the games you listed are horror and some parts of any game could scare someone so I'm sorry but I don't think you know what horror is.


Edit: Not that any game isn't horror but by your definition they shouldn't be horror because I'm not scared of it but others are so even though you may not find DayZ scary others may

Edited by Xenology

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The game isn't finished.  Some things will work better than others but eventually we should end up with a challenging game that is hopefully not so challenging people don't want to play. 


There's nothing wrong with feeling frustrated because the game dynamics have changed, at least Draconis is being polite about it.  Thing this, it's going to keep happening while in development. So we have to grit our teeth and get by.


I think all feedback is useful not just praise. :thumbsup:

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Axes should be nerfed imo. Maybe make headshots one hit kills but really, an axe to the arm of a zed shouldn't kill it...

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One Skyrim and LOTR are Fantasy not horror zombies are monsters and monsters are mythical because they aren't real. and DayZ can scare you when you first play Bandits zombies startle you I guess you forgot that huh?  And as far as Resident Evil goes it has zombies, Dead Space has a form of zombies, Amnesia is not scary none of the games you listed are horror and some parts of any game could scare someone so I'm sorry but I don't think you know what horror is.


Edit: Not that any game isn't horror but by your definition they shouldn't be horror because I'm not scared of it but others are so even though you may not find DayZ scary others may



First of all the listing of LOTR and skyrim was me going by YOUR logic of horror. You LITERALLY said "also anything with mythical creatures like Zombies is considered you guessed it horror!" LOTR has fucking orcs, dragons, Elves in it. Those are mythical creatures BY ANY DEFINITION POSSIBLE. So it is HORROR according to your worthless definition of it. 

You're implying that the actual horror games I listed aren't horror due to the fact that some of them have zombies in them and some don't. Well I have some news for you dude, not every game with zombies in them is horror! Left 4 Dead, CoD Zombies, Half Life...none of them are horror. 

Also, saying that those games aren't horror proves my point that you clearly know jack shit about the horror genre. You know, there's this website called Google, maybe should try that?

EDIT: We're clearly going off-topic here, and seeing as you don't even know what the hell you're talking about, I say we close this argument off.

Edited by Snowball

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First of all the listing of LOTR and skyrim was me going by YOUR logic of horror. You LITERALLY said "also anything with mythical creatures like Zombies is considered you guessed it horror!" LOTR has fucking orcs, dragons, Elves in it. Those are mythical creatures BY ANY DEFINITION POSSIBLE. So it is HORROR according to your worthless definition of it. 

You're implying that the actual horror games I listed aren't horror due to the fact that some of them have zombies in them and some don't. Well I have some news for you dude, not every game with zombies in them is horror! Left 4 Dead, CoD Zombies, Half Life...none of them are horror. 

Also, saying that those games aren't horror proves my point that you clearly know jack shit about the horror genre. You know, there's this website called Google, maybe should try that?

EDIT: We're clearly going off-topic here, and seeing as you don't even know what the hell you're talking about, I say we close this argument off.

1. listen here 1374782369741.png


2. I was going by YOUR smart LOGIC that if somethings horror it has to be scary or make you jump maybe something in those movies made someone jump so that would make them horror when they're not


3. Left 4 dead actually is a fps horror and half life could be considered one too so that argument is invalid I never stated a game had to have zombies to be a fucking horror game....


4. I made an edit saying they are horror but in your logic aren't because they don't scare me as DayZ doesn't scare you when it's listed as a horror survival simulator, so I guess that makes sense right even though the game is scary for new players but you keep avoiding that part.....

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I would also like to say what I meant by mythical creatures like zombies I meant Vampires werewolves abominations creatures you usually see in fantasy AND horror as Fntasy CAN also be a HORROR FANTASY

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1. listen here 1374782369741.png


2. I was going by YOUR smart LOGIC that if somethings horror it has to be scary or make you jump maybe something in those movies made someone jump so that would make them horror when they're not


3. Left 4 dead actually is a fps horror and half life could be considered one too so that argument is invalid I never stated a game had to have zombies to be a fucking horror game....


4. I made an edit saying they are horror but in your logic aren't because they don't scare me as DayZ doesn't scare you when it's listed as a horror survival simulator, so I guess that makes sense right even though the game is scary for new players but you keep avoiding that part.....

Last time I'm responding to this argument because I can already see your brain is so dense nothing logical can fit in there


1. HORROR. IS. MEANT. TO. SCARE. PEOPLE. That doesn't equal jumpscares. Dayz sometimes has jumpscares when suddenly a zombie jumps into your face and you didn't see them coming. Same goes for Half-Life. BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE THOSE GAMES SCARY. Half-life is an action game with a tense atmosphere and Dayz is a survival sim. Being scared is something ENTIRELY different than making you jump. Plus I never said that jumps equals scariness/horror, so invalid argument.

2. Left 4 Dead an fps horror. Unless you are some frigthened 12 year old hypersensititve girl it might be a horror game yes. L4D could've been a horror game but the developers decided to make it a multiplayer-shooter of cod-esque proportions which cleared all the scariness it ever had. Half-Life is tense & creepy at some point. But the goal of that game isn't to make players scared, altough that is the goal of all real horror games (like Amnesia, like Outlast, like Slender) It really doesn't matter if you think they're scary at all, if it is the goal of the creators to invoke fear into the players with their game it is considered  a horror game. Whether if it's good or bad horror is an entirely different thing. 

3. You think because they are listed as "horror" on steam they are horror? Yeah guess what, not everything what's listed there is TRUE. Baffling right?

4. How is DayZ even scary for new players? How? Every new player of DayZ gets blown in the face with what's in this game before they even start and I can tell you this when I first played at NIGHT I admit it was somewhat scary at first, but really, it is nothing when you compare it to horror.

G'day to you sir. I hope that above all I might have learned you a tiny tiny bit about horror. 


Edited by Snowball

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Last time I'm responding to this argument because I can already see your brain is so dense nothing logical can fit in there


1. HORROR. IS. MEANT. TO. SCARE. PEOPLE. That doesn't equal jumpscares. Dayz sometimes has jumpscares when suddenly a zombie jumps into your face and you didn't see them coming. Same goes for Half-Life. BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE THOSE GAMES SCARY. Half-life is an action game with a tense atmosphere and Dayz is a survival sim. Being scared is something ENTIRELY different than making you jump. Plus I never said that jumps equals scariness/horror, so invalid argument.

2. Left 4 Dead an fps horror. Unless you are some frigthened 12 year old hypersensititve girl it might be a horror game yes. L4D could've been a horror game but the developers decided to make it a multiplayer-shooter of cod-esque proportions which cleared all the scariness it ever had. Half-Life is tense & creepy at some point. But the goal of that game isn't to make players scared, altough that is the goal of all real horror games (like Amnesia, like Outlast, like Slender) It really doesn't matter if you think they're scary at all, if it is the goal of the creators to invoke fear into the players with their game it is considered  a horror game. Whether if it's good or bad horror is an entirely different thing. 

3. You think because they are listed as "horror" on steam they are horror? Yeah guess what, not everything what's listed there is TRUE. Baffling right?

4. How is DayZ even scary for new players? How? Every new player of DayZ gets blown in the face with what's in this game before they even start and I can tell you this when I first played at NIGHT I admit it was somewhat scary at first, but really, it is nothing when you compare it to horror.

G'day to you sir. I hope that above all I might have learned you a tiny tiny bit about horror. 


To response 

1. You said to scare or make someone jump when you first explained it so I won't take that worth a grain of salt 


2. It is a fps horror no changing that


3. Yes meaning it is a survival horror meaning that's what it is and always will be sorry if you can't get past that but that's the truth


4. You admitted it was a little scary but it's never scary? Explain....

And yes compared to most games it's not scary SIlent Hill for example still terrifies me as well as Saw thought hat's more of a gore game then horror

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The amount of bat-shit crazyness on this forum makes me wonder what people would be like in this situation...




In my opinion, the zombies are ok as they are, however, I would like a mixture of them, some slow and powerful, some fast like they are now, but less effective...and more of them, sure in towns there is more than on the outskirts, but the game is barely flocked with them, I expect to see more than one zombie per street in the larger arease... (granted I've not been to Cherno, so can't comment about there)  but yes, you can evade zombies, whilst zig-zag sprinting, the only problem with the zombies is that they can still go through walls and not climb up stairs.

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Epic picture.
Now imaging a group of survivors, trapped in there, with 10 shots only. :D
Use pencil + paper.
Write last will.
Shoot yourself. :D

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To be honest, if I remember correctly, the zombies in The Walking Dead are pretty slow, so, would probably be easy to get out of that situation...

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