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Dayz Epoch Chernarus. NC-I.

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NC-I DayZ Epoch Chernarus :



3rd person: On

Crosshair: Off

Nameplates: Off



  • High Performance (hosted on a dedicated quad-core i5, 16gb ddr3, 100mbps up/down)
  • Additional buildings/barracks
  • Self bloodbag
  • Indestructible base building
  • Snap building
  • Tow & Lift
  • Auto refuel/repair/rearm at any fuel station
  • AI Missions
  • Side Events
  • God mode/Anti backpack stealing at every trading post
  • Custom items at traders
  • Bell helis, BTR/LAV
  • 300+ Vehicles, restart every 6 hours
  • Full cycle Day/Night (full moon nights)
  • No donator perks, friendly admins

Thanks for reading and see you there smile.png

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