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i get kicked by admin and get 300 s join timer

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It's only 300 seconds not like your using those 300 seconds for anything life changing anyways. xD Also, just what Jack said. Report the server :D

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A small price to pay for something that deters server hoppers IMO.

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Let the dog out, grab a snack, hit the head, check your e-mail, etc. it's small price to deter hopping...

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300 seconds is the clinicly proven average length of time it takes to find the IP address of the offending server and from that the top tier provider and then write a critical essay to the same regarding the SoB admin and his abuses wrt the ToS for the server in question.


Of course, you have to always remember (as a much wiser sage than I has previously stated)....


If you encounter an abusive admin or server, please do not post it here on the forums. We cannot do anything with these reports. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these servers. Please report them to the GSPs directly following the pinned Guidelines.

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Alternatively you have can have a quick pre-game bout of 'hand to hand combat' to warm yourself up (possibly two, depending on how energized you are).

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