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art of eXecution looking for more bandits.

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We operate on Skype and/or Ventrilo(We have our own server). We don't have our own ARMA 2 server. Rather, we like to go to popular servers with 50+ people and raid towns etc. Must speak English and have a decent ping on American servers. Let me know if anyone wants in on this.

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I'm in. PM ME. Steam me: Kevin51501

My newly acquired DMR should do the job. :)

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Added you. We're still lookin' for more. Don't really want to be too big of a group. Maybe 5-6 max.

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Hey. Id be interested. Got a team speak server I run off my PC, and a 25 man day z server as well. I also has 2 buddies that would probably be interested in join as long as you don't turn out to not be dirty back stabber. pm me if your interested.

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We may use Teamspeak, Ventrilo, or Skype. It doesn't really matter to us. So far it's just me and [aoX] watter. We will require you guys to tag up, but mainly so we can show others we're working as a team and can prevent small mishaps. We aren't 'backstabbers' either. We're just looking for people to play with, preferably skilled people.

I myself have a heavy background in FPS games, including a short, but nevertheless professional CoD history with MLG alongside other things. I've lead several teams in FPS games such as BF, CoD, AVA, CS, all of which have become very skilled, competing teams. I realize this game isn't like that, but I'm still looking for dedicated, skilled players that will listen to calls/follow orders and know when to take the initiative.

As I said before, we're only looking for five, maybe six players. Gear hardly matters as long as you know how to play the game. We can always help each other gear up, as well as hunt others for gear.

My Steam tag is [aoX] Rimo, my steam id stkmicro. Add me and we'll play today/tonight. I leave at noon for class but will be back around 4 CST and will probably be playing until midnight then.

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Sent you a request on Steam. I'm interested in joining up in a few days when my schedule clears up some. I have a strong FPS background as well as a raiding one in multiple MMOs so I know how to communicate and use teamwork.

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We're on and playing now. Should probably mention that we usually play during the evenings and well into the night.

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Sounds fun. My fiance and I play nightly, and all day on week ends. We work well together so we're used to calling out players and objectives. We also have experience with the sniper + rifle man tactic, which has worked well for us in the past thus far.

I prefer scouting and rifleman positions. Sawyer (my fiance) is a sniper, but is fully capable of assault rifle as well.

Defiantly looking for something like this though. PM me or hit me up on Steam: Freckelz

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We operate on Skype and/or Ventrilo(We have our own server). We don't have our own ARMA 2 server. Rather' date=' we like to go to popular servers with 50+ people and raid towns etc. Must speak English and have a decent ping on American servers. Let me know if anyone wants in on this.


Msg me Id: Justin_runco i will be worth it.

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If you're actively playing during 0400AM GMT to 1000AM GMT' date=' then I might be interested


We usually play from 4pm-mornings. Sometimes we'll play until 6am and even noon. Usually on weekends.

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Im pretty decent got everything,but ghil suit and the dmr, have been surviving everything i come up to finally need a team add me justin_runco and maybe we can discuss everything u may need to know. only looking for a small team 4-8 people max

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I'm on now and about to start playing if anyone wants to log in and see if we mesh. Still looking for a few solid players. (Max 6 man)

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Been playing since OFP. On day 4. Died three times trying to be a survivor my first day playing. Since I've gone bandit/rogue, I haven't died. I have been all over the map to every town/airfield solo. Tried playing with some friends but they give up and I wasted a lot of time being a pack mule racing around the map resupplying them. Looking for other players.

I'm west coast and will play on servers less than 100 latency.

I have a vent server and will join others.

PM me.

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yeah, it sounds FUN. Do your professionell pvp trolling in Dayz, but i hope some day there are gona be mechanics that let pvp players have less FUN in this SURVIVING game. Go back to bf3 and consorts.

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Iv added you, Just been killed by a server nuke (dam hackers) but I know what I am doing. Atles is my steam name

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This is legitimate raids, right? (using guns you've found and not exploiting)

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steam name: Crusey

have 5+ years of professional CS experience so shooting and whatnot is nothing new to me, would be nice to have an experienced and organized group to play with, i'm reliable, chill, but also like to have fun, can play almost every day and have a mic, i'm also trustworthy. lol

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Frecklez, what happened to you? I personally prefer using a sniper in my hands as I have real arma 2 experience. Im currently looking for something like this cause most of the clans are focused on different games such as dota/wow, pm me on steam or add me on skype

Skype: dimitrioss-_-

Steam: SantaFuckedMe

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