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Everything up to date 100%, Empty Wilderness spawn

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I've been searching and I can't really find any good solution to the "debug forest" glitch. It happens on any server I connect to, and last time I actually spawned unconscious for no reason (no I was not previously in shock).

I'm just glad I finally got EVERYTHING updated and the newest arma beta patch installed, but I'm still having the empty world glitch for every server. A lot of people tell each other to run 2km east until they reach the map or something, but I'd rather not do that. I want to spawn in the watch tower that I had been in before getting this glitch.

I don't know if I've missed the actual solution somewhere, but if I have, please tell me what it is.

Once again, everything is up to date including Arma II itself.

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Enter the Arma 2 via the Laucher, and see what version is it... If it's 1.60.93825 I don't know what's is happening, if it's something diferent, just try to download the updated Beta Patch again.

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I have the same problem no matter where i go, been there done that as far as updating goes.

And killing myself to be able to play the game again would totally ruin my goal of being alive 1 month :D

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