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Looking for a player or group to play with

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hello there I am looking for people to play epoch or dayzero with. No clans please looking for ages 23+ up from eu/uk/north America east coast. thanks

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Check out our server and website....website is http://www.reduxgamers.com/



Heres the server info...http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/



The guys I play with are all older than 21 and most are east coast but we have a few from the EU...as well as some aussies...we have a great community..and one of the best epoch panthera servers around...

Edited by f0twenty

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Hello! My name is mcc83, however most of my friends call me Mike. I represent the New California Republic, a military realism clan which plays Dayz Mod, Dayz Epoch, and Dayz Standalone. We also have two servers, a Dayz Mod server and a Dayz Epoch server.  (Planet-Dead 1 and Planet-Dead 2 if interested in playing). Most members come from the United States, however, we also have people from around the globe. We often have clan battles and always have a weekly training exercise. If you have any questions feel free to msg me or post on the thread that will be linked. And if you feel like this is the clan for you, please fill out an application here.


Thankyou  :P  :beans:

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