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New Feature: Toss Item (cans, flares, smoke, nades, etc)

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In addition to the hail mary touchdown pass, there should be a light toss that can be done while moving.

Holding M1 would "activate" the item (light a flare, crack a chemlight, pull the pin), and releasing M1 would toss it.

Toss distance should be about the range where tossing a frag this way would be almost always a bad idea, unless desperate or insane.

I think this one is pretty obvious so it may have been shut down before due to making the engine cry. Just thought it'd be cool since flares are more useful now.

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No one has anything to say about this? Dropping smoke/flares behind you as you run from Z doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Amount of work to code such a thing vs. actual benefit to gameplay arguments?

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This sounds like something we should have. It's very odd that you can't drop a smoke grenade at your feet as you run.

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