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dat yOLO kOs tho...

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post your cool kos stories here:


here is my latest one for the bro's/




i was in elektro on 3pp not givin a fuck str8 yolo saw this punk roll by in the corner

i was in the school

heard him creepin

heard the zeds getting aggroed

circled the building and went back inside

heard him bandaging on the third floor

saw blood dripping on the second

ran upstairs and drew the axe

he yells on mic "what no friendly no kill no kill!"

i forget the melee is bugged and cant hit him until i raise the axe

he runs downstairs and into the street

he tries to draw his rifle and i close the distance

i hear the click of empty chamber and chase him

he switches to pistol and clicks out again

he stops to equip axe

i stop infront of him to line up the swing

he hits me and i go grey and blurry

i circle behind him as he swings wildly and hit him multiple times

never said a word and i have an expensive and fully working mic


i looted the corpse

he had no ammo or valuables

he posed no threat, was friendly and tried to run

even pleaded on mic for mercy



i still gutted him like a fish in the street

gave no fucks

i dont even get feels anymore

cept' lolz




Edited by pacific_coast
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I have never killed on sight but I can provide many interesting stories of being killed on sight.


For example, one time I was in Elektro firestation and heard someone spawn above me.  Not wanting to make him feel like I caught him with his pants down I said "I hear you spawning in.  I'm friendly."  Don't want to be an ass and kill someone spawning in of course.  I repeated twice to make sure he heard.  No response.  After a few minutes I walked upstairs to see a guy not on the floors but on the roof pointing a mosin at me.  And then I died.


Well, that's probably one of the more interesting tales.  Most of the others are basically 

>Walk to X

>Hear gunshot



They must be more interesting for people who actually do the killing.

Edited by Losthanyou

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1)My 2 friends was on the hill, in trees, at kamushevo, i was running to them(newspawn), i found 2 russian kids, started to talk to them, stopped them by asking food, my friends made a shot, one died at bushes, other hided, i asked that dude who died, where is second, so i could help him kill (my own friends lol) that bastards, he told me to go on road, and that second tard just walked to me, then he died, i looted them, made them some grave, tada!
2)Walked in police station, heard someone was inside, took my mosin in rmb, walked in door - saw some dude was eating, i told him do not to move, he took his m4 to hands, then he died because of 2 shots in head.His loot was not dmg.Tada!

3)I was looting second floor in police station(other one) i heard someone, walked to the stair - i see some dude behind them(on second floor too, just in front of me) i gave him a magazine of hot iron in the body, took his axe, and not ruined stuff. Tada!
4)Looted just another police station, walked in, it was closed, i hear someone on second floor, took my weapon, walked to see stairs, he was on them, i shot everything what i had in mosin,he shot me mb few times with m4,i took the corner, took pistol, then half of pistol magazine straight in head, and while i shot him with pistol he made strange moves, and it was after patch where was added those 30 secs till leaving , he probably did not know and tried to fly away.almost everything was ruined. TADA

5)Some thing that i do not remember(use imagination)

Edited by Electi

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Be in Berezino, Geared and with geared team. 
see man in yellow raincoat on tracks
claim to be friendly
you all know A friendly isn't what he claims. 
He bites, wants to join
handcuff him 
scream at him, pull out hacksaw
hit him in the chest repeatedly 
friend pops him in mercy 

Edited by DoctorPhil

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So Here's a rather nice story,


               it my second character (ever) and I see this guy with a gun running by, as a bambi, I followed him ( to kill him for his gun, didn't know weapon spawns at the time) , only to find another guy (assuming he was a bandit, for he was wearing a gas mask) I run and hide inside the building next to me, and he circles around, missed me, I then followed this guy, I had a fireman axe, while he was staring at loot, I pulled it out and started hitting him, he couldn't even pull out his axe because I knocked him unconscious. Then I loot my very first gun, a green mosin, puts some black on it to make it camo, die a few hours later to a sniper in the NWAF. No words were transferred during the murder...

Edited by The Lone Survivor

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