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Cosmic Bunny Chernarus|Custom Map Additions|Snap Build|Quick Build|Auto Refuel|Tow/Lift|Wicked AI|Custom Map Additions|Halo Spawns and many more

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Please note the server will be down tomorrow morning for some upgrade work.  This should not take too long and I will post once it is back up. :-)

Edited by MjrEyesWater

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Yes I Do.  The server rules are posted on our Teamspeak :  Just click the ║●-----CLICK FOR RULES------●║tab :-)


Hope the helps.

Edited by MjrEyesWater

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Please note the server will be down tomorrow morning for some upgrade work.  This should not take too long and I will post once it is back up. :-)

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Some of the things that are being done:


Moving to an SSD hard drive (makes the game run faster and trader items load in quicker etc.)

Adding in extra missions (smaller missions will run alongside the larger ones, the smaller mission will have less AI and will be easier to complete)

Advanced building system (you will be able to build most dayz items from the building materials EG. castle walls, barracks etc. from cinder blocks and other items)

Gem trader (you will be able to furnish your base with items such as T.V's, sofa’s toilets ETC)

Increasing player slots (we are moving from 35 to 50 player slots)

Battle tank arena (ever wanted to play sumo with tanks?) 

Upgrading to the latest Arma patch 112555 (don’t forget to update yours in dayz commander)

Complete overhaul of all AI (they should be much more realistic)


As you can see this is a major update and is being done to make your playing experience a better one so please bear with us while this is being done.  I will post here once the server is back up and running.


Many thanks



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Hello, been working on these new changes for 15 hours now.   its all nearly finished but i will need to make a few more changes.   looks like the server will be down some of tomorrow too.


Sorry everyone but as soon as i can get it all sorted it will be up.  It will be worth it in the end ;)



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this server looks cool, gonna check it out when its back up; enjoy your upgrading.

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Update: server is still not up. We are working hard to resolve the issue. But it will be worth it in the end. 

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The Server is open for testing on IP   the server will be down again for the review of the test @ 18:00 GMT.   Please let me know if you have any issues.



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Tests went really well.  Just adding the the server messages and the back up scripts and we will be good to go.

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Great news. The server is running better than expected and everyone seems to love the new mods.

Edited by MjrEyesWater

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Sunday nights event is..... SUMO wrestling with Tanks.... It will start just after the 8 pm restart

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Ok so update: new duel mission system now works 1 hard mission 1 easier mission, mission now have a random chance to drop building loot across both missions.

New skin trader is in stary, you can now buy any skin in arma 2 and operation arrowhead.

Comming soon:

Epoch banking system at all traders.....

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Due to poor customer service from my host providers Internet company, I sadly regret that I will be stopping the server until further notice. If I can find a stable solution to this issue I will put the server back up. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who supported us not only with donations that covered server rent (FYI this ran out last month) buy also to the people that help us with all the server side items. This is not the end of Cosmic Bunny I am looking for a long term solution. I will of course keep you updated

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