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I died...

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Эх, дурачек ты...

Edited by So Sexy

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Hah. The other day I was playing with a friend, sweeping houses for loot. By then I had a fnx45 with a full mag, an axe, and.. not much else. He was relatively newly-spawned, wearing a terrible white shirt and yellow construction helmet which made him look like a Village People castout (as well as a huge target). So, we split up to look at houses faster. I swept through one set of houses, he swept through another. I didn't find anything useful, we decided to join up again. So I went to our rendezvous point, and saw someone approach, green jacket, gas mask, carrying an axe, running towards me. I shouted to him over voice "look out! enemy incoming!". I had my pistol ready, so I fired. Single shot to the head. The target went down like a sack of potatoes. So my buddy shouts "enemy hit me! I'm unconscious!". I looked around for some other incoming enemies............. only to realize the gas-mask-wearing, axe-toting tango I had just dropped was actually my friend, who had just found a set of new clothes. I had a defibrillator on my bag and tried to bring him back, but it didn't work - I suppose I would have needed an epi-pen shot as well.


After that, we had a good laugh (his words: "what the hell! you never one-shot-kill actual enemies when we get into firefights!") and decided to always warn one another whenever we changed clothing.

Edited by takfar

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Hehe :D When we split up looting, we only put on new clothings once we are done.

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