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Venomous (DayZ)

Is this your tent?

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We are enjoying your loot very much, sir. Thank you for your Coyote Pack, 2 alice backpacks, Cz 550, revolver, food, water, and med supplies. I also found your tipped over ATV at the top of the mountain, I appreciate your stanag rounds and Cz bullets, also thank you for the AKM ammunition! I was running low, how kind of you :)


Your tent was very well hidden on the face of Pik Kozlova overlooking Cap Golova. Although, apparently not hidden enough..Do hope you learn from this mistake and pick a more secluded location next time.

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1x coyote pack(the good one)

2x alice pack

1x cz 550

4x cs 550 ammo

1x revolver

5x .45 ACP



medical supplies

I believe that's it. Not a BIG score, but we had just spawned on the coast so finding 3 well equipped packs was nice.

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Must of thought hiding it along the coast was a good idea, obviously not.

Good find, specially for when you've respawned!

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Must of thought hiding it along the coast was a good idea' date=' obviously not.

Good find, specially for when you've respawned!


This loot is what you consider... good?

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Read the part after the comma.

Nothing besides the coyote is good loot, even after spawning.

But what is wrong with all those wannabe badass bandits lately? They happen to find one single tent with a crappy cz550 in it and feel the need to create a thread just to show off how badass they are?

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Considering its actually a half decent rifle and food and shit, its better than what you get with spawning, but I agree on the pointless thread really.

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Considering its actually a half decent rifle and food and shit' date=' its better than what you get with spawning, but I agree on the pointless thread really.


That was mostly the thing that made me flame him :).

CZ550 is a lowest tier rifle found in barns.

Revolver is also found everywhere (its a bit rarer though).

So why make a thread about it posing that you found a KICKASS TENT.

If it had a M16 ACOG, some AKMs, maybe a DRM/M107/M249/NVG I would be like. PHAT LEEWTZ GJGJGJGJ. Nah not really. It would still be not worth a thread.

We could use a thread in which people can put their experiences with looting tents and vehicles as posts.

I wonder if something like that doesn't exist somewhere... gonna investigate.

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3rd is on

Cross is on

Tags are on

If your gonna post something to make you look good at least use a server that isn't set up for beginners.

But if you are a beginner nice find I guess..

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so out of all that you make a forum post to tell us you got a coyote pack?

as far as i see it, thats the only good loot you got out of it :p

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3rd is on

Cross is on

Tags are on

If your gonna post something to make you look good at least use a server that isn't set up for beginners.

But if you are a beginner nice find I guess..

3rd person was put in ArmA to compensate for the fact that you can't simulate peripheral vision in a videogame as opposed to real life--not noobish

Crosshairs aren't noobish because if you hold a gun in real life, you can at least sort of feel where it is pointing, whereas with a mouse you can't so it's not noobish

Tags are somewhat noobish

Waypoints/map blips are completely noobish

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Crosshairs aren't noobish because if you hold a gun in real life' date=' you can at least sort of feel where it is pointing, whereas with a mouse you can't so it's not noobish


Frak yeah! That's how i do it all the time. I feel this greenish crosshair in my mind.

You have never tried yourself at point shooting, that's for sure.

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1x coyote pack(the good one)

2x alice pack

1x cz 550

4x cs 550 ammo

1x revolver

5x .45 ACP



medical supplies

Totally worth a thread


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Crosshairs aren't noobish because if you hold a gun in real life' date=' you can at least sort of feel where it is pointing, whereas with a mouse you can't so it's not noobish


Ironsights. Learn to use them.

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found a set of 5 tents with m24 & ammo, nvg's, every tool, silenced m9 and more. thought about taking the tents from their tents and hopping between servers to take absolutely everything, but even I felt that crossed the line, so I just took the nearby van and flattened them all after I was done looting.

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No one's coming across well on this thread tbh*... but this is the Bandit Campfire where the mentality is somewhat special.

*including myself

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found a set of 5 tents with m24 & ammo' date=' nvg's, every tool, silenced m9 and more. thought about taking the tents from their tents and hopping between servers to take absolutely everything, but even I felt that crossed the line, so I just took the nearby van and flattened them all after I was done looting.


If I find good loot, I always make sure to move it to a server I consider to be reliable. With many servers being unreliable along with the rampant admin abuse that's going on in DayZ, I think it's fair game to move your loot to stable servers with good admins.

I stumbled upon a great camp by chance on an American server. It contained three vehicles (a bus and two off-road vehicles) and several tents. I immediately called one of my mates and we started moving the loot to one of the European servers we frequent.

We secured three machineguns, several DMRs, a few assault rifles, some NVGs, a few GPS, a bunch of Coyote backpacks and some rangefinders. Once we had secured the loot, we called in three other friends and had some fun with the vehicles, taking the bus for a joyride to the NWAF and almost ramming it into the northern barracks. By the time we had died, all of the vehicles had been scattered along the western part of the map.

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