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Deer stands or Airstrips/barracks?

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I have a basic/noob question. Do the rare items (namely NVG, DMR, Range finder, although there must be others) appear in Deer Stands? I know you should find them in military areas. Which means air strips, the one military base in Starry, or (I guess?) deer stands.

I am actually trying to figure out if there is any use into going to the airfields which are always very much camped by PKs. I don't mind the challenge, but if Deer Stands can have the rare items, why bother?

I hope someone tells me there is a reason for me to take the risk.

Thanks !

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I'm pretty sure deer stands include most high end gear. Exceptions being the best weapons such as the 50 cals, heavy machine guns, some select assault rifles, and the range finder. Which are reserved for heli crashes and barracks.

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You can find any military item except NVGs in deer stands (except some of the british weapons which are found at crashed helis)

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There are a few people on the forums who claim that Deer Stands have yeilded NVGs for them, I call BS on it though. Loot tables indicate NVGs only in the two Barracks of NWA and Crashed Helis.

I've hit up barracks maybe a total of 50 times, and 2 crashed helis with no NVG yeild.

Deer stands seem to mostly yeild AKM, AK74, Lees and crossbows. I've not seen any sniper rifles in them as of yet. I've hit I'd say about 50 of them as well.

Ultimately, NVGs are really only from killing other bandits and raiding NWA barracks or looking for crashed helis.

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Do yourself a favor and bookmark it. It draws directly from the game files so it's accurate.

In short, crashed helicopters have the most rare/unique gear, followed by barracks (airfields) and then deer stands/firestations which tend to have a more limited selection like.

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Do yourself a favor and bookmark it. It draws directly from the game files so it's accurate.

In short' date=' crashed helicopters have the most rare/unique gear, followed by barracks (airfields) and then deer stands/firestations which tend to have a more limited selection like.


In that list Deer Stands are in the same category as barracks, with the same possible loot. That was actually the reason I asked the question in the first place. According to that cheat sheet there is no difference between a station, deer stand or the air field barracks.

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Deer stand does not spawn the same stuff as barracks.

Ive raided many of them before in my time in DayZ, theyve treated me good. Snipers, backpacks, M4A3, and some beans.

However, they will NOT spawn the highest end stuff like LMGs, M107, AS50, FN FALs, NVG. Unless some retard left their NVGs in a deer stand, but I doubt anyone would.

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Do yourself a favor and bookmark it. It draws directly from the game files so it's accurate.

Except it isn't quite accurate- the list is reverse engineered and is to be taken with a grain of salt. But for the most part it is pretty spot on.

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