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Can i Help ? Discussion about the Future of Dayz SA..

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Hello everyone I am a fan of dayz, my name is Francesco, I'm Italian I do not speak English well but I'd like to contribute to an improvement of the one game that in addition to daoc and ultima online was able to give me some emotions. I do not want this adventure to end prematurely as a result of bad decisions or not in accordance with the request of the player, I'm just a player with 14 years of experience in online games, this genre is new to me but I hope to be of help because the only thing I want is to play a really nice game and especially serious.
I scored below the first things that came to my mind .. I hope can serve
thanks in advance hello


1. make the grass even up to a distance of 800 meters, which does not disappear after 200 meters, so you can be camouflaged at a distance and not be a dot in the middle of nowhere

2. strengthen and increase  the zombies, add the possibility of 1 in 5 of contracting a disease treatable only with certain medications, or with a certain diet + medication. would lead to greater cooperation.

3.Solve all the bugs that allow you to look through walls

4.The big problem most of this game is that you get a very good equip is too simple, you have to somehow solve the problem of log in log out, to empty all the bases by changing the server. (THIS IS IMPORTANT) ruin the game quite a bit.

5. Another fundamental problem is that in my opinion should be removed Balota, too close to the coast and too close to the respawn points, the game after a couple of days it becomes rushing Balota, log out 3-4 times to log into empty servers with high ping, dressing and electro go to or remain in Balota to do engage .. (Even this ruin the game enough)

6.The graphics are high or low can not give benefits .. can not exist such a thing

7.Remove the ability to split their weapons and run without consuming energy ..

8.Remove the bullets damaged if it gets half a splitted generate half pristine.

9.Finding ways of making people go into the map to the north, and enlarge the server to more people

10.Improving the opening and closing of doors.

Edited by Razork

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Sadly the game is still alpha and new updates are becoming rare.


I hope that's because they are preparing a big patch :)

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Vedi che aggiunte 2 cagate e fixati altri 2 bug, roba di 5-6 mesi e gli update solo per bugfixing avranno cadenza semestrale come minimo lol.

Fai tu.... Risparmia i soldi, sto gioco è nato per mungiere un po di soldi e finanziare il nuovo fantastico studio di videgame di dean roburmoney hall

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