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Jack Lz

now im Really too scared to log back in

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Just found a mk 48 mod 0 by a downed heli, (was hidden in the grass under the tail fyi)

300 rounds...what the hell am i supposed to do now rofl....

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Do what I did when I found my Nv fal.. Hide in the bushes in the middle of nowhere paranoid and not having fun.. Until someone randomly kills you and you can lament the loss of your sweet-ass gun, but then get back to having fun :). Or you can be normal and go have fun with it without being ultra paranoid lol

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Pretty much this.

When I found a dead body with a light machine gun... I just owned all zeds in town with it, and left it on the floor empty. I didn't want to die with it so someone could use it against me later... call me selfish.

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You have two roads you can take, 1) Decide to make a party of Do-Gooders and rid the wastelands of bandits and wrong doers or 2) Become a badass rambo bandit.

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Use it well. I've spent too long shitting myself in this game with good gear.

Now I just run round Cherno till I find good stuff, then GTFO and survive a few days, rinse/repeat.

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Use it well. I've spent too long shitting myself in this game with good gear.

Now I just run round Cherno till I find good stuff' date=' then GTFO and survive a few days, rinse/repeat.


i do the, exact , same, thing.

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I think you are all correct, im gonna goto a town and empty it of zeds.

Ive seen the videos on this gun and it will attract everything within a half mile, so this should be fun..maybe i should look into fraps for this kinda fun =)

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Walk down the main street in Cherno and have fun. Record it and put it up on youtube so we can all laugh!

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The only way to have fun in day z is to constantly say "fuck it" and just play.

Tie value to your gear and it will negatively influence you; you'll get all paranoid and overly vigilant.

Just keep quiet, and make sure you spot others first.

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Welcome to Alpha. For future reference any gear item you obtain in-game is replaceable and you can find it again' date='[/b'] there is no need to whine, cry, complain, or make a thread about how you magically lost your gear due to whether an update or some other means. I am sure (But can not speak officially) the developers understand that not everything is perfect in this alpha mod that you are helping test, but things happen and the biggest reminder here is: Never get attached to your gear. You're going to lose it anyways.

As an Alpha tester you are given the privilege of testing this as an open Alpha. Remember that this is also an Alpha game and that not everything is final and that anything may change at any time until it is set in stone during whatever process.

Play cautious, report bugs, have fun. Don't let a bug or glitch get you down.

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When i found my l85a2 i was too scared to go anywhere, but then realised how boring it is to survive as you cant really barricade yourself in and eventually said fuck it and carried on s normal.

Im still alive with my gun, but i go more into towns and airfield. I also have NVGs and bizon SD in the backpack, so im risking a lot but find it more fun. Still very paranoid.

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Turn yourself into an avenging angel, a force for good and justice, a watchful avenger, a not-so-silent guardian.....

....Basically set yourself atop a factory in Cherno and mow down any fucker laying barbed wire or tank traps ANYWHERE. Also shoot zeds chasing unarmed survivors, and of course server hoppers farming the loot spots. Use your blessed weapon to make the world a better place :)

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Feels bad man, a squad buddy found that gun on someone in Cherno, it's very very rare. He was on his way up to our squad in Vybor and he was gunned down by some scrub with a Lee Enfield. 3 of us came down to inspect it near Stary where he died, turned out to be a huge bait and we were bombed with AS50's and M107's. That day was not a good day.

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