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Windowed Mode vs. Full Screen

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I'm wondering who uses what mode to play. Windowed mode or Full Screen. 


Seems I can really turn up my settings in windowed mode with the ability to adjust any size window I want.  Another things I've been noticing is that when I open Task Manager, Dayz starts with a Low Priority and I'll switch that to Normal or Above Normal.  I ran Game Booster by iobit, but i really don't notice any fps increase or studder so I quit using it because I adjust the size of my windowed mode. 


I play windowed mode even though I have a AMD 6770 1Gb vid and i7 2600 CPU, plus I have most of my settings on low with the FPS enhancer forum post where you change some of your dayz.cfg settings.  I've read several posts that making sure your render resolution in-game is 100% and that's helped. 



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So are you saying, that running in windowed mode results in more FPS?

I seldom use window mod in any game, but if it resulted in more FPS in DayZ SA I would consider it.

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I've always thought playing in window mode, or border-less window mode eats up performance. Is this not the case?


Does it eat performance if you re-size the window after setting resolution?

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I've always thought playing in window mode, or border-less window mode eats up performance. Is this not the case?


Does it eat performance if you re-size the window after setting resolution?

Yeah I always resize the window.  You can adjust it to any size plus switching your render resolution back to 100%.  I guess its user preference, but it works better for me, I'm just wondering what other people use.

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It is so bullshit that I run this game in 1080p and fairly low settings and I cant even get stable 60 fps at cities. I can run any game at max settings. BF4 ultra 1080p never goes below 60 fps, but when I switch to Dayz I cant run shit. My specs: i7 4770k 4.2 ghz, Gtx 780, 8 Gb Ram, SSD

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windowed crashes a lot for me for some weird alpha-y reason.

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It is so bullshit that I run this game in 1080p and fairly low settings and I cant even get stable 60 fps at cities. I can run any game at max settings. BF4 ultra 1080p never goes below 60 fps, but when I switch to Dayz I cant run shit. My specs: i7 4770k 4.2 ghz, Gtx 780, 8 Gb Ram, SSD


You mad bro?


3 years old computer with me and runs...OK

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Yeah I just tried full screen at 1080 res and got 31fps using dxtory.  Windowed mode, I get 60fps easily and running through an open field I hit almost 90fps.  I have a i7-2600, 8Gb RAM, 1Gb AMD 6700 series card.  You lose gamma control, but not brightness for some reason.  These are my profile settings in notepad. 



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It is so bullshit that I run this game in 1080p and fairly low settings and I cant even get stable 60 fps at cities. I can run any game at max settings. BF4 ultra 1080p never goes below 60 fps, but when I switch to Dayz I cant run shit. My specs: i7 4770k 4.2 ghz, Gtx 780, 8 Gb Ram, SSD

Game is horribly optimized so performances vary across all setups.

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