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Barb wire needs to go

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It serves no purpose, and with people not spawning with a weapon now all I've seen it used for is sequestering off loot spawns.

In fact it's so bad, nearly every spawn is literred with it.

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It serves no purpose

And wrong

In fact it's so bad' date=' nearly every spawn is literred with it.


I swear you're trolling

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It serves a purpose when players use it to fortify their camps. And you can remove it with a tool box.

Removing it would be stupid. Also, plenty of threads have already discussed this. Use the search function next time, please.

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It does serve a purpose, find yourself a tool box and you will be fine.

Also like others have said use the search function as the forums are slowly being spammed with the same threads daily.

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I don't care much for the wire, but it's the most highly spawned item i have seen. Well, apart from empty tin cans. I think the spawn rate should at least be lowered

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