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Weapon sighting/target practice

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Hey guys!


Instead of shit-posting some more due to updates or lack thereof, how about some nice suggestions for the team?

In no way do I wish dev's to focus on dinky stuff like I am going to suggest at the expense of improving/fixing current core gameplay, but I will still just throw this out there...

I am not a big gun collector in real life, but those I do know, when they purchase a new rifle, shotgun or handgun, tend to enjoy (and seem to think it is vitally important) to "sight" the weapons in so they become familiar with the unique characteristics of a weapon before they hunt with it or w/e.


So I am proposing putting into the game, that once you find a gun, and find its ammo, you need to "sight" it, that is, do a little target practice, to be able to use it effectively (esp. at range). The guns would all still work un-sighted obviously, but they would have some significant improvement (especially over distance) after you sight them. It might mean you have to set up a couple cans of soda or beer, and then move a few paces away and fire off a few shots...this would "bind" to the player that weapon, and improve, like I say, the overall characteristics of that weapon, for that player.


I am not sure how exactly you would implement this, but anyone like this idea in general?

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This has been talked about constantly...


But to answer what you have said, you seem to be a little confused as to how to sight in a weapon.  The reason that you must sight in a weapon, particularly a rifle, is because if you start looking at long distances, 50+yds, you need to know where the bullet will hit. 


If you have a new scope on a rifle, the chances that it will be pointing at where your bullet will hit are astronomical, because if it is even a few degrees, or clicks, off you may be looking inches, feet, or even yards away from your point of impact.  Because if lets say in theory your bullet is going to travel perfectly straight from the barrel with no drop, or wind interference, and you fire at a target 100 yards away your scope, which has a centerpoint ~1-5 inches above the centerpoint of the barrel will have to be angled so that it is perfectly in line with the barrel, AND so that the cross-hairs will hit the bullseye of the target at 100yds.  If the scope is pointed slightly in the wrong direction you may not even be able to see the bullet impact. 


The same goes for iron sights, only some times they are less or even non adjustable.


Sorry but if they are going to have any sort of sighting in process they would simply need to make adjustable sights and make all weapons have a random point of impact so they wouldn't necessarily be able to be used without sighting, and most players would probably get frustrated when they pick up a mosin and think they can use it out to 700yds and find out that their shot hit lets say 200yds away from where they aimed.


It would be great for those of us who know about guns/rifles at least enough to do it, but I think the majority of players do not (please no one take this as in insult, it's just been my experience that many gamers have never touched a gun) and they would have a very hard go of it, because if this was realistic it could take a long time.


Sighting in a non-bore-sighted scope can easily take 40+ shots under decent conditions, and dayz is not "decent conditions."  Though it might help stop pvp sniping a little.

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