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Most epic moment in DayZ?

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What is the most epic moment you have experienced in DayZ? 


Mine happened today. I tried to find North-East airfield for a decade, and then finally I managed to find it. I had SKS with plenty of ammo. I carefully checked the control tower. It was empty, with an empty can of sardines in the floor. I went outside and saw a guy who ran behind the fence. I peeked around very carefully. Then I thought I surprise him and ran right where he was. We both shot each other but missed. Then he went somewhere and I thought he disconnected like some pussies do. Maybe he did, I don't know. Well, then I ran to the other building with all the best loot. It was nearly empty. I was getting out and in the exit I suddenly got shot. Thankfully I was "healthy" so it didn't really affect me. I ran back inside. I tried to peek out, but saw no one, and was being shot at again. I heard many gunshots outside and decided to camp inside since that was my only chance. Then the guy told me "You're going to die :)" in chat. I said ":(", so he thought my moral had entirely collapsed. Oh how wrong he was! Then I waited around for maybe 15 minutes, peeked around time to time and heard shots outside sometimes when I looked from the window. Then I ate tuna and ran to the cell room. I think he didn't see me and he was maybe trying to see my head in the window from other side of the building. Then he broke the silence and said "I'm bored" "If you come out, I don't shoot you". I said I don't trust him. Then I asked what guns he had: he had M4A1 and Mosin. Then we chatted for a while. After like 25 minutes of camping, I went unarmed and right in the middle of chat, I surprised that fucker and rushed towards the exit. I ran for my life and I was shot from behind, and I kept running through the field. I heard M4A1 firing at me fully automatic and saw bullets landing in the ground around me. Then I finally arrived to the small village and got cover and then I ran in the forest. 

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Probably jamming my W button down, running towards NW airfield, and learning how to play a song on guitar on the journey there and back. I'd recommend it to anyone who plays, even just to practice scales etc!

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For me personally, Me and my friends were just messing around when we saw 2 guys watching us from the barn up the hill in factory, and we went down to them and 2 of my friends were gunned down as soon as they entered the barn, my other pals and i just opened fire on them and killed 1, the other was on the second floor behind the haybale and we went up and were shot, i was the last 1 alive, with no ammo left for the m4... then i realised i had 1 bullet chambered in my FNX that i got off a dead guy and no other ammo, i then walked up the steps to the 3rd floor of the barn, look down through the gaps in the steps and shot him on the top of his head, and he died.. My friends were still alive and i patched them up and it was fine! never thought id have to rely on a chambered round. 

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I think my most epic moment was...it was a long time ago. Back when the mod was starting to get popular.


I had been sitting in a bush overlooking the north west airfield. After a few minutes I noticed a few players running about. I called out in side chat to make contact. After a little back and forth we met up. They invited me onto their TS and we started looting the airfield together.


Eventually we found a huey. We spent about an hour getting her fixed up and fueled. We left to pick up a friend of theirs on the coast. We flew around a bit and decided to head back to NW to gear him up.


After about thirty minutes of gearing and rummaging a shot rang out. All of a sudden one of our guys said he had been killed. BANG BANG, A couple more friends are brought down.


Now it's just me and the first guy I met. We're hiding out in the large garage. He contemplates logging out and I say "hell no...we worked to hard to get that huey running. I'm not leaving it to some assholes that snuck up on us." So he sits in that garage and I decide to make my way to the treeline.


I tell him to keep watch for the "bad" guys. He sees a few head into the barracks and I decide this is my one shot. I get up and make a break for the chopper. I hop in and start her up, but it takes a few seconds to get the blades rotating. The whole time I'm thinking "come on...come on" like I'm in some kind of horror film.


Finally I start to lift of the ground. I jam my left foot down to turn the chopper away from the "bad" guys, and as I start to nose down "plink plink plink" rounds start ricocheting off the hull of my huey. I gain a bit more altitude and start flying away, but not before yelling "Later bitches" in side chat.


I escaped with the chopper and was able to pick up my new pals. It was quite exhilarating.


I was lucky enough to have captured the whole story on fraps. I made it into a playlist if anyone is curious, otherwise I'll embed the last part "The Great Escape" below.


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Same as my first interaction with a player:

My first interaction with a player was the most terryfying feeling i've ever had. and i didnt even see him.


Walking to the airfield with the big apparetment complex next to it(can someone identify this?)


Walk in the grass towards a shed, HEAR PREDATOR CLICKING SOUNDS , walk into the shed, ghostly/raspy voice , "i can see you". predator clicks continue , Oshit.jph

Talk into my mic " i have food, do you want food?"  , PREDATOR CLICKS BECOME LOUDER, "i can hear you" , ohgod , Pred clicks are all i can hear, Sprint for forest line, pred clicks become louder, and then it stops. Hear zombie noise behind me. Run like the wind


Never heard him again for the next 2 hours, if anyone here did that, please tell me omfg i was creasing myself.

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That one bit with the hiking, that was sweet.


Actually joke. I was in the country, can't remember where just somewhere in the middle. I saw this castle thing on a really steep hill so I climbed it to see what was up there. I come to the crest of the hill and see about 5 zombies on the other side. Now I'm used to zombies, but when you get surprised by them like that it does make you jump. I turned around and started to sprint down the hill only to have the zombies come FLYING past me and then crash to their deaths at the bottom of the hill. That was weird.

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