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How to make more deeper game

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Hi guys, 


I am appreciate you have added new content to the game as bow, new guns and other amazing things but I think the game isn´t survivor game yet.

Number of food and their number in the cities is too big. I understand you will have to add new elements than you start restrict number of cans in the game and other things.


However, there are my suggestions for more survivor atmosphere.:


1. Difficulty making a fire:  This is alternative to classic way making a fire. I know that it depend on the engine.


    1stupen.jpg?ver=0   -------:>X            Chop tree    ---------              Ohenmezi.jpg?ver=0       ---------------------        3stupenohen.jpg?ver=0   


2.Less food in cities and more food in the nature. These plants wouldn´t  served by only to eat but it would useful for healing also 



Rozstliny.jpg?ver=0    Houby_1.jpg?ver=0



3. There should be more improvized weapons in the game


.Zbran2.jpg?ver=0   Zbran1.jpg?ver=0 and   more slingers, bow, which is made by myself, spear etc


4. Infected people or zombies ( It doesn´t matter how to call them) should be more dangerous. I haven´t any problem kill them three zombies by axe without bleeding. The nature isn´t dangerous. I know DayZ team will add bears and wolves. I would like to see vipers , lynx or something dangerous in the wild what would be able to kill me ( mutant )


  • contaminate water
  • blizzard, fog ( it is possible), heavy rain, freeze weather  which caused ilness my charakter.
  • blacksmithing, farming later.... after the game is released.
Edited by Poseidon11

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BTW, EVERY thing you mentioned in this post is already in the works. Just a half hour of time on these forums would have brought light to this fact...

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Hi guys, 


I am appreciate you have added new content to the game as bow, new guns and other amazing things but I think the game isn´t survivor game yet.

Number of food and their number in the cities is too big. I understand you will have to add new elements than you start restrict number of cans in the game and other things.


However, there are my suggestions for more survivor atmosphere.:


1. Difficulty making a fire:  This is alternative to classic way making a fire. I know that it depend on the engine.


    1stupen.jpg?ver=0   -------:>X            Chop tree    ---------              Ohenmezi.jpg?ver=0       ---------------------        3stupenohen.jpg?ver=0   


2.Less food in cities and more food in the nature. These plants wouldn´t  served by only to eat but it would useful for healing also 



Rozstliny.jpg?ver=0    Houby_1.jpg?ver=0



3. There should be more improvized weapons in the game


.Zbran2.jpg?ver=0   Zbran1.jpg?ver=0 and   more slingers, bow, which is made by myself, spear etc


4. Infected people or zombies ( It doesn´t matter how to call them) should be more dangerous. I haven´t any problem kill them three zombies by axe without bleeding. The nature isn´t dangerous. I know DayZ team will add bears and wolves. I would like to see vipers , lynx or something dangerous in the wild what would be able to kill me ( mutant )


  • contaminate water
  • blizzard, fog ( it is possible), heavy rain, freeze weather  which caused ilness my charakter.
  • blacksmithing, farming later.... after the game is released.


More deeperer? Er?

Mutants don't really have a place in DayZ as they have no precedent- no "fallout", no "mutagens" - and it would be a weird coincidence if such a thing did happen at the same time as a zombie apocalypse. 90 per cent of the lynx population lives in Siberia http://rbth.com/articles/2011/04/26/the_twelve_most_dangerous_russian_animals_12694.html which is too northerly for Chernarus, so it's unlikely there would be any.


Brown bears, grey wolves, wild boars and scavenging crows are the most likely predators to see [unconscious? A crow will peck your eye right out of its socket. Serves you right for being tasty, asshole].


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