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Rayne (DayZ)

New player looking for a group

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Hi im just looking for a group to play whith. im new ish played a few days but finding it hard on my own and dount no meny places to go yet and seem to have bad luck whith zombies

if you whant me add me on steam foxxeyrayne92

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Hi im just looking for a group to play whith. im new ish played a few days but finding it hard on my own and dount no meny places to go yet and seem to have bad luck whith zombies

if you whant me add me on steam foxxeyrayne92

Im looking for someone to team up with ;) I think i've added u on steam.

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You can join us! were a couple of 10-15 guys playing on Dallas 50 add me up on Payne_1991

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