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That's some scary sh-- (long)

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So I've just had one of those heart-in-mouth moments I've been looking for since picking up DayZ...

I was on a mid-pop server, had been for about 3 hours, and was now exploring the far-west (was interested in where the map 'stopped') when the sun began to go down. Over the course of 15 minutes or so what was once lush grasslands turned into fields and forests of doom and despair. Wanting to find some sign of civilisation I began to head North in search of Zelenogorsk - though not having a compass, map or any sense of direction I found myself getting very lost, very quickly.

I was regularly checking to see how many people were online - 15, 13, 8... Fewer and fewer as the night progressed. Counting my blessings as I stumbled into the military base, somewhat relieved that with so few people online and my poor night vision, the odds of seeing anybody were slim-to-none. Slowly, carefully making my way into the base I noticed all the buildings had been looted - all the doors were open making it easy to sweep through and salvage what was left behind (including a pristine M4, Tactical Vest and a healthy First Aid kit). Though despite only having maybe 5 people on the server now, I couldn't shrug off the feeling someone was nearby. Then there was a noise...

Unlike any zombie noise I had heard before, it was more of a sucking, gargling noise I'd imagine someone would make if they were being drowned. Still in darkness, I tried to [hesitantly] flick on my flashlight to gain some sort of perspective. Akin to every horror film since, well...ever, it didn't want to work (was stuck pointing to the top-left of my screen) so I put it away. Then footsteps! Loud, crisp, nearby... I swung behind some nearby barracks and waited. Only 2 other people on the server now.

Honestly, my palms were beginning to sweat and my heart stepped up a gear. I try to avoid confrontation - I'm a friendly person by nature, coupled with the fact that my reactions aren't what they used to be, more-often-then-not leads to an early demise. I didn't want to die. Not now. Not after hours of exploring the wilderness. It seemed so long ago. The smell of the ocean, the warmth of the evening sun hitting my face. But I puckered up the courage to venture out and crept to the barracks doors. They were closed. Someone was inside.

Against my better judgement, I went inside... All but the far door were open. I went into the showers... Nothing. First bunk... Nothing. Second bunk... SKS. Shuffled along to the last room, opened the door, sawn-off at the ready... Nothing. The hell... ? I go in, look around and sure enough, nothing in there. Not even a goddamn Mountain Backpack. So I leave towards the front door. It was closed.

Something in my mind flips out. I wanted out. More gargles were heard from outside so I run... Straight into a f@king wall. A silhouette appears, a dull thud and I'm unconscious. Another, and those fateful words appear: you are dead.

I'm sure someone out there got some kicks out of scaring the living daylight out of me and I thank you. I wanted to log out in those barracks and return when the sun rose, but I couldn't. I had to see it through. And I'm glad I did.


Sorry that was a little longer than I planned. Anyone got any other good scares they want to share?

TL;DR - Sh-- happened, I died. The end. Your turn.

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Welcome to DayZ. Not for the faint hearted. :)

When you hold your flashlight in "hands", press space to raise it like you would a weapon. Then the cone of light will be in front of you. Good luck.

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There are some zombies that do that gargling noise now... must be a new sound though, because I have only started hearing it recently.  Sounds like a "wet gargle" right?

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Somebody trolled him through mic. I do it to lot of players :D

actually there is a new zombie gargle sound that I have heard.

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I encountered a player who played the zombie noises through voip...freaked me out until I realized it was him.

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Ish Fingers!!! Great story. Congrats on toughing it out and resisting the urge to log out.


I will share with you a heart-racing moment I had, also in the Pavlovo military base.


After working my way down from NWAF, I ended up on top of the Pavlovo military base hospital during a server restart. Almost immediately after the reset, I saw a server hopper run across the office building across the way. He did not notice me, so I climbed to the 3rd floor, and camped the hallway. It was a KoS moment, obvious loot-hopper is obvious.


The tenuous minutes I spent waiting, aimed down my scope, leaning around an upturned desk… It was unnerving waiting there, crouched, wondering when the player with the orange back pack would come running around the corner.


Finally I heard the groans of zombies start up, and I knew my prey was coming closer. My heart was racing. I had the jump on him- why was I nervous? My hand was sweating over the mouse, and simply holding the reticle steady seemed a tough thing to do.


Finally, I see my victim turn the corner. I had the drop on him. He had no weapon out, running carelessly through the hallway, and I opened fire- my finger clicking rapidly as the M4 fired round after round.


Either my nerves got to me, or there was an incredible amount of lag/desync, because the victim was able to duck into the door to his right.


The player logged out, a quick search of the room and the area showed.


Good on you. :)

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That was a well written story. Kudos comrade.


Sidenote: I can't help but read the title as "That's some scary shlong" ?...almost as creepy as the story itself.

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That was a well written story. Kudos comrade.


Sidenote: I can't help but read the title as "That's some scary shlong" ?...almost as creepy as the story itself.

And now that Ive seen it, I cant unsee it.

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