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Random bleeding, followed by semi-death?

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Last night I was playing with a group of friends. Got killed outside Electro. Happened to spawn in Kami, so started running back to my body in hopes stuff was there.


On the run in, I got the message that my character could feel warm blood dripping. Didn't get any hit indicator, vision didn't change, and my person wasn't noticeably bleeding. In any case, I stopped behind a tree thinking some Electro sniper was camping the newb-path from Kami. Tore the shirt into rags, applied them, but the bleeding message in my inventory screen wouldn't go away.


Not much I could do at that point, so I rejoined my friends. Found my body, my gear, and the person who killed me (who was dead). Grabbed my stuff, played for another 20 mins when we decided to head to the other side of town, but north of the City (away from the shooting). At some point during the 20 minutes the bleeding tag in my inventory went away.


Then as we were moving through the woods suddenly my screen said "You are Dead". Again, no hit sound or anything. The strange thing was, my character was still standing, and I could run/move, etc, I just couldn't see anything but "You are Dead." My friends in vent all said I was moving like I was alive.


Figured I'd log out and back in, but alas, it started a new character. 


So . . . after that wall of text and "cool story brah" I'm curious if anyone else has experienced the same bug?


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Welcome to alpha. Probably invis zombies. Probs just a bug. I've broken my legs before in the middle of the woods lol

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Yeah I've come across random actual death before, just never the "You are Dead" while I can still fully control my character. Oh well . . . hopefully it's not a widespread issue. 

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