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Something for the woods

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Enjoying this mod greatly. I mostly stick to the woods, head north and just try and survive.

Even though I know the woods are 95% safe against zombies, I am still slightly on edge travelling through them.

I was thinking that something should be added to make travelling in the woods more scary. Some kind of creature that is rare to come across but you really dont wanna bump into it. You know the woods are safe to travel in, but even the remote chance seeing this creature would put you off.

Trying to keep with the zombie theme its hard to think of something without getting to exotic and supernatural or "gamey". The only thing I can think of would be something like Enderman, the witches from L4D or The Regenerator from resident evil 5. At the moment the only element of fear from adding it is maybe not taking yours eyes off it otherwise it charges (I know, but im thinking hard here!) or maybe it moves very fast and tries to get behind you or your flanks (like the bloodsuckers from Stalker).

You could have something like The Witch spawn at nighttime, so you would only really hear it and have to be careful not to go near it.

I hope people get what I mean about making it a rare encounter. Your guard should be completely dropped and bumping into it should make the blood drain from you.


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well there are dogs in the arma2 engine so a natural thing to add would be zombie dog spawns scattered around both the wilderness and cities.

I think what the wilderness needs are pickables like herbs to help treat pain and berries/mushrooms to eat so that players can survive in the wilderness if they know what to look for. Should also be poisonous berries mushrooms etc as well.

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I was thinking about zombie dogs, wolves or bears myself. Don't like any 'supernatural' stuff.

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Zombie dogs are not scary enough :P Herbs sound good though.

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Yeah something in the woods would be great. It's the creepiest atmosphere in the game at night I think. It'd be excellent for some zombie spawns out there.

I also agree with zombie dogs.

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Spiders, massive mutated ones in the woods, with webs. Red glowing eyes and hiss and skitter around you. Oh yes.

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Maybe just packs of zombies that roam the woods looking for their next source of food or that are traveling in between towns.

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I like the idea of the occasional lost zombie or two in the woods but I REALLY like the idea of wild dogs. NOT zombie dogs, that's just cheesy to me, but wild dogs! They could not only attack players but also other zombies and docile animals too!

That's something few people think of when they hear about the ZA, what would all the domesticated dogs do? They'd go feral and become a dangerous force to be reckoned with. Heck, even today in poor parts of America there are packs of wild dogs roaming and killing people!


Also, I heard a rumor about bears being added in the future! Hell to the yes!

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1).The idea about feral dogs is just brilliant.Its realistic,fits DayZ,adds a new type of enemy.They should be scared of flares light.Imagine a situation when you are low on ammo and are trying to get out of woods at night beeing surrounded by feral dog pack while waving around with a flare in panic.Nerdgasm.

2).If the "the horror of the woods" would end up beeing some sort of elite monster it should be either stealthy but lethat(think bloodsucker,hello STALKER) or extremely resistant to damage,bulletsoaking damage sponge which would be somewhat slow,but really dangerous up close and extremely stubborn(regenerator from RES4 but faster).

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I also like the idea of random "lost" roamer zombies walking around the woods. It would make just sprinting thru the pitch black woods at night alittle harder and make the players think twice before starting to make sound.

Dogs? Why not.

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As long as its not "Zombie, type 2!", this isn't left 4 dead and "Special" zombies would be completely out of place.

I love the idea of Feral Dog packs, especially if they only spawn at night and even more so if you can keep them at bay with a light source such as a flare and They should probably be confined to the forests themselves. It poses a genuine dilemma to a survivor

Go in the woods where you're safest from bandits and regular zombies, but risk running into a wolf pack? Or take your chances with the humans?

And when you encounter a wolf pack, do you you use a flare, telling everyone where you are? Or try to out run them, in the dark...

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An idea some friends and I were kicking around regarding rage type virus infections was what about those primates that share a significant genetic similarity to humans? I know it's sort of a "Zombie Type 2" situation but it does fit with certain medical aspects and what not.

Imagine some pissed off chimps or gorillas rampaging through the woods. That'd be some bad time right there.

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An idea some friends and I were kicking around regarding rage type virus infections was what about those primates that share a significant genetic similarity to humans? I know it's sort of a "Zombie Type 2" situation but it does fit with certain medical aspects and what not.

Imagine some pissed off chimps or gorillas rampaging through the woods. That'd be some bad time right there.

I don't think chimps or gorillas really fits in with the Czech animal life. These do however: wolfs, bears, wild cats (leopards, lynx, tigers), wild boar

oh also badgers...evil badgers!

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But where did the infection come from? Secret research lab with monkeys that got loose?

Also I've seen boar in the game. Not hostile though. I literally just walked up to one and shot it in the head with my pistol to harvest the meat. Making some hostile four legged predators would keep us on our toes in the deep woods at night, but how do you reconcile their behavor versus a group of people. A lynx probably wouldn't try to attack 10 humans together in a group..... or maybe it would. *shrug*

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This is what i was thinking about. Mountain Lions, packs of wolves, bears. Me and my team are currently doing the stealth hermit playthrough. we hunt with crosssbows and very rarely run into other players or zombies. Having another danger that could be lurking out in the woods would be great. Also what about having to test waters at ponds and other non flowing areas to see if the water would be potable. That or leeches inside some of the water to add a danger of going in there as well. water would have to be tested before going into it.

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Zombie animal camps unique to the woods would make it more interesting. I mainly stick to the coast, to make friends that is.

But make it so that in these camps some unique loot can be found.

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Native wildlife - Further from a town you go the more likely you are to encounter it. Bears, Dog packs etc. Also lots more rabbits and birds. =P

Zombie pack - Zombies have chased a civ/survivor into the wild. When you encounter this they (civ/surv) are already dead and being munched on by zeds. You can choose to kill the zombies and hope for some loot or just avoid them.

Lost zombies - Self explanatory, they got lost and now wonder the wild.

Simple ideas and a more thrilling hike.

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I am in favor of adding some wolves. But not in all the woods of the map, but rather in the woods of the northern boundary of the map.

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i`m not sure abouot that AI dogs, maybe including some carma system to dayz, a hardest bandits should reincarnate one time after death as a dog ;) they could roam and bite something from time to time and in their own way fix all this evil that they did before ;) after penalty dog simulator they could spawn as human again - until he died as regular badass again ;P

dogs just like bird simulator can hear players, but can`t talk to them in game. maybe some extra features as direction indicators for some items, buildings or other beings as substitution for extra nose ;)

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Add a predator to each map. Find your loot in the woods below a hanging skinned body that the predator left behind.

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