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slugish gameplay

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Hello. It feels like i have massive fps lagg ingame, however my fraps FPS is between 45-100+ fps, but my mouse movement or the general movement is laggish.


Is my CPU getting old and to slow for DayZ? I have tried to alter the graphics settings in every way possible, from lowest to highest, but it doesn't seem to affect ingame gameplay whatsoever no matter what settings i use. The last thing i tried was a cfg file that alters whatever to get a performance boost, but with no effect.


GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 680 2gig

CPU: Intel core i7 930 2.8Ghz (OC to 3.5ghz)

Ram: 16gb

Oc: Win 7 64bit

hdd: 500gb SSD


So.. Fps jumps from 45-100+ but game is still laggish/sluggish.


Any suggestions other then the ones i stated above?



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Could maybe be your internet connection... Are you monitoring that as well? My internet was all screwed up yesterday and even though my fps was fine it didn't seem like it was.

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  On 3/13/2014 at 6:25 PM, Facetentacles said:

Could maybe be your internet connection... Are you monitoring that as well? My internet was all screwed up yesterday and even though my fps was fine it didn't seem like it was.


No, ping is good like 30-50 ish stable. My FPS is pretty good tho, but it seems like it is some kind of low FPS stuff going on anyway, it's not latency related. Its been doing this since i purchased the game acouple of mounths ago or so and i thought maybe it's my CPU that is acting as a bottleneck or something. I have waited to play the game for some time now in hope that there might be some game bugs causing this, but it's unplayable at the moment and has been since purchase.


EDIT: I altered the mouse smooth to low and it seems a bit better now, but still it feels like low fps even tho fraps tells me it's 50+ fps.

Edited by Rmk82

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BUMP... Still scratching my head about this one.. FPS numbers in the upper left corner tells me the fps is okay when i use Fraps (45-100+), but when i move my mouse it laggs.. Mouselagg or whatever it's called. I DON'T UNDERSTAND.......:(


Anyone else having the same issue?

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EDIT: I have been dying to play this game for so long now and i have played it fro like 20-30 minutes and the lagg seems to be gone. Actually my fps increases more and more and same with the mouse responsivity(?). got stable 80+ fps in small towns now. I don't know, but now its really really smooth and i can increase my graphics as well. strange.

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