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Making some sort of shelter?

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Hi all, i want to come out with an idea i had. and that is making a large tent you can live in. instead of standing outside in the rain and wait for your temp to lower, and eventually die :/. me and my friend thinked about it and we thought it would be a great idea ;), also it will make players live out in the forest more to :). i want to hear others opinions of this. if it's another thread of this just slap me and set the link here ^^.

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Tents and Fireplaces already offer this kind of thing' date=' ya know.


You cant go inside them.

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Rocket has said in an interview that he wants to give players the ability to reshape the world around them - shelter included.

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Tents and Fireplaces already offer this kind of thing' date=' ya know.


You cant go inside them.

I see what you mean now. I suppose that would be interesting, but I think large tents have been suggested before.

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Would be cool, but I imagine it would require building parts etc. and time, so would have to offer more than just storage + safety from the elements. Perhaps it could be a disconnect + respawn point for the creator that other players cannot enter, but can loot / wait outside to kill them.

This would maybe ruin the emergent gameplay, so instead perhaps add the possibility to booby-trap them with a hand grenade and/or shotgun + ball of string item so that, you can risk looting them, but might get blown up/shot in the head on entering.

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Callaghan the booby trap idea for tents sounds good. Though a tool of somekind to disable them would have to be included to for balance. Tool to disarm being a rare spawn.

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