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Sounds a bit borked...

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I'm having a bit of trouble hearing gun shots majority of the time. I can be in or around the same buildings as my team, and all of them will hear them every time, every single shot, even from further distances. I, however, almost never hear the shots unless the guy shooting is really close. I was even with my fiancé in a building last night , on the same internet connection sitting right next to me and she was hearing shots and I couldn't.

Is there any setting I can change to fix this or is it just a bug? I have my effects volume cranked up pretty much all the way and other sounds seem to be perfectly fine.


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Thank god I'm not the only one.

Edited by Zjasuu

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Well thanks for the response. :)

Has anyone tried tinkering with it? As in different headphone jacks or a different headset entirely that you know of?

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